This is your community you have built by not banning anyone. *slow motherfucking clap* Con fucking grats. Keep up the good work. Smfh...
I've played 4 in a row with retards like this. In. A. Mother. Fucking. Row. Fuck you, I know you don't give a shit, because you only play premade, but still. Fuck. You. |
This trash abused pings in a game while leaving me in 1v2, because he decided to build 5 (!!!!!!!!!!1!!!ONE!!!!) caches at game start and all he could do to "help" me was to ping on literally all my units and all the enemy units that surrounded them constantly. Or on a damaged vehicle on my base I was too busy to repair because of all the micro I need in 1v2. I don't have 300 apm, and I'm 100% he doesn't have either, or else he really really REALLY sucks at tactics (as well as strategy, for doing 5 caches in a row while he has no army proves it).
So after a while I gave up and sent him to hell and instead of shutting the fuck up about it, he spammed even more pings and harassed me over chat non-stop.
Then guess what, this new game starts and in the first fucking second of the game he continues harassing me and in public chat no less, trying to involve even the enemy team into it. And guess what, he spammed pings again and on bullshit locations as well.
In the very first fight I used my MG against a sturmpio while he got pushed back near me... and guess what, he has absolutely 0 map awareness, so he assessed the situation in the exact moment he retreated and in that moment the sturmpio was just outside my vision range so he spammed his pings on my MG, thinking I didn't do shit while he got pwned. Not only is that fucking pathetic, it is fucking annoying and distracting too. God fucking damn I wish you saw the fucking pings in the replay... and the chat... speaks for itself... I should've left this game in the first seconds, but I wanted you to see this trash. Yes, I know, you don't really give a fuck and don't really ban anyone ever, but still... this filth is such an obvious griefer |
i am actually retarded, but that does'nt matter. you're right, he could and should just leave. do you even know these players? and if you would try to win against them, i could ask you the same question. checked your profile and just as expected, you're nowhere near to be able to beat them.
Yeah, most of my games were 2 years ago, I played custom games (non-modded) and improved a lot, the win streaks of past months prove that, and guess what, at least 90% of my games were 4v4, which require a VERY different playstyle from 1v1 and still, I have over 60% win rate in 1v1. So yeah, I suck.
But even if I did suck, dafuq are you doing here? Don't you have anything better to do than harass some unknown guy even after admitting being in the wrong here? Fuck off kid, no one asked you... |
so who are you talking about? and tbf you would've lost anyway, I'd say even when they would've had the AI. on the other hand, why waste time and play a lost game?
I won more 3v4 games that I bother to count, but if he thinks it is lost, why doesn't he just leave? Are you retarded, or just trolling? |
A ranked game of Company of Connectionissues 2, we start 3v4 as always and I try to raise the morale by lying about the enemy that I don't know, asking my teammates not to leave. What does this little piece of shit do instead? He goes "afk", but he isn't really afk, because he buys a raketen... fuck these people, how about you actually ban people instead of releasing a list of random generated names every once in a while? Next game I got to be with this trash again, enemy goes clowncar and bren carrier with vickers, do you think he bought raketen or upgraded his sturmpio to schrecks? Of course not, but as soon as I lose a squad (long after game start) he says "gg" and pings on it... what a piece of shit... |
steam id: 76561198084757546 |
Ok, after posting this, I actually started to watch the replay: the guy lost a sturmpio and a volks in less than 4 minutes near their base... I don't think I should even watch the rest, he is plain trash and he blames on others. |
About a week ago I played like 4 games in a row with this guy, we won all of them. Now I got into 2 matches with him, he left the first one in a minute and this is a second one.
Well first off, he starts every single damn game with heil hitler, I would remove him from existence for just that single fact.
But if that wasn't enough, he is pushing all the way to the enemy base without securing the area behind himself and blames his team for failing hard.
He completely ignored the fuel + cp area where the enemy had an MG and an infantry section and I had only a volks and a sturmpio to take care of it. He expected me to not only take care of those (ok, to be frank, he quite likely didn't even notice those, because he sucks), but also keep up with him in his push to capture a point or two we most definitely have no chance of defending.
When he got sandwiched in 1v2, he was spamming pings at me and asked where my units were, and I had to write a wall of text as explanation, which even turned out to be a waste of time, for he refuses to listen to them.
Hell, he even admitted being so utterly trash, he never watches replays, because improving oneself is a waste of time.
Unfortunately I'm quite a slow typer and I use both hands for typing and lack a third hand to use my mouse while doing so, so I've had quite a hard time microing while precious seconds or rather minutes were wasted trying to explain to this here piece of excrement that he is a shit and should bury himself in shame.
When he most likely subconsciously noticed, but failed to admit even to himself of how big a pile of trash he was, he spammed the surr vote to make sure the surr bug appears, so we wouldn't be able to surrender when we actually lost the chance to win.
Then he has the audacity to blame his teammates for going afk after losing nearly everything and having no chance to surrender and even uses goliaths to destroy their remaining army to make sure they wouldn't come back and try to win. |
The number guy ( is a damn leaver, did the same last game too (and that game had 0 chat messages), that's why I've predicted he would leave
the other guy ( pings on my MG trying to teach me how to play, while he is clueless...
he brings no MG against 2 OKW and expects his ally's MG to go forward while his troops sit back in a safe distance... if he ran up to those kübels, he would've dealt a LOT more damage to them, instead he let them butcher my MG for no reason...
So damn annoying when a sack of shit spams pings on me as a means to shift the blame for his pathetic lack of skill...
and then has the nerve to even leave me in 1v2... |