okay so ive made just about final build (im not gonna say final anymore cause at this rate its not

.) but i figure a quick update as well as explaining my decisions so you can understand where im coming from a bit. so here it is.
newegg build
ive writen a massive essay 3 times now and frankly im kinda pissed off at this forum right now. damn you forum for not saving my stuff.

so im gonna keep it short.
i did some research on mobo decided to go with a cheaper one because it looks like unless im going to use it for an actual workstation no reason to splurge. if i wanted to splurge get server mobo which i don't think is necessary unless im getting x99 chip. so basically ive narrowed down the mobo to as asrock exterme6 (though i could do 4 or 9 just as easily.) also the asus z97 a is an option as well.
ive looked at xeon and for this build im not gonna do it. i see the future potential it has but by the time they do that they could have 2 of these computers easy. (they have there own servers anyways. if i had 3000 dollars id do it no questions asked even if it started as only partial build and left one open also if i was using ddr 4 which im not so theres even less no reason to future proof it. in 5 years thell need another one anyways.
as for power supplies ive done tons of them as yes i do understand you don't want to throw a random one in. in my research not only is seasonic come up time and time agian as a very reliable brand as well as they manufacture psu's for themselves as well as for corsair and i believe antec. (who knows who else.) also that the 80+ rating only really means anything in terms of efficiency it doesn't not make the power supply better made or more reliable. while fully modular is ideal i also want this thing quiet so maybe I'll look for a quiet fan feature or fully fan-less. so unless there is technical aspect on the psu or a reason not to trust the particular brand i don't think ill change it has all the safety features i want and is fully modular the fact that its not gold doesn't bother me.
graphics card
since in losing on board graphics im going with something real simple but since the boss wants to hook up 2 large dell monitors that use display ports i got one with dual display ports. its a worksation board but i can't find display ports readily available for normal graphics cards. so i found decent board with 2 display ports. though last search i found one that was 50 bucks but it pc parts picker said they werne't sure if it fits in pc. this card should be more than enough as the most they probably will ever do with it is watch youtube and have potentially tons of cmd windows on it. (with dual 1080p monitors.)
hes engineer so reliably is important ssd is flash memory and there for not as reliable, especially when uses as a main drives. If I just put the files there once and never touch them or minimally like an operating system then they are much faster which makes them better. however for memory that is constantly getting tweaked or changed ssds tend to fail when altered and messed with alot. i did get an m.2 card for boot drive basically. (its an ssd without all the cases and fancy logos also its faster.) i am going to get an extra tb or save 40 bucks per drive cant' decide yet with hgst since they are more reliable according to a 2015 test thats out there on the internet supporting this. its either that or wd anyways as long as its not seagate.
okay so im done for now any thoughts im still looking at cpu coolers and i did look at all the ones suggested some of them don't seem to be around anymore but regardless look nice ill probably pick one of them. anyways agian thanks for the input i wasn't ignoring it even if i don't do what you suggest it helps me find a direction to start research in which ive done more than what this computer is worth probably by now.