Graphics review from source I like; Digital Foundry |
C'mon we all know this was something AE asked for so he could get thru a tournament faster and not eat up his whole weekend 
I know you're kidding..but I worry about this kind of feedback, directly or indirectly, from high profile community members. Wonder how strong Relic's "scope" is these days. |
I'm really not a fan, in coh2 you can choose between prioritizing resources of VPS (especially important in tournaments) here its. "Rush VP now!!" otherwise you end up 3 min into the game and have lost already like 50-100 vps, which is even more bizaree given how ridicolous the resource placement are on these maps (4 corner munis on tunisia, am i just not meant to take those resources at all lol?)
Yes this, well said. You'd be someone that'd know; are there even ideal capping orders in COH3 maps? From my relative time with it, it's just cap all the points on your side of the halfway point in whatever order you want until you reach the vp. Or rush the vp. |
I agree. Felt like matches were over before one could enjoy mid-late gameplay. With better matchmaking I don't see a problem with COH2's rate. Or at least something halfway, if devs and players have arbitrarily decided coh2 got it wrong for the last 9years. |
IMO auto-reinforce and other changes are pushing the game to emphasize combat and staying in the field even more. Auto reinforce on means that units you forget about at your base are ready to go once you realize that they're there!
Autovault makes pathfinding easier and you have more direct routes to cap points.
+16 points cap too slow IMO but it comes down to VPs.
I think every faction gets access to trucks or Half tracks that auto reinforce, incentivizing players to keep a forward position. The faster VP tick rate makes you want to stay on the field for longer, especially for those players who are able to successfully micro their forward army.
This sounds like a convincing reason. Not a fan of the quicker match lengths though. |
In say top 200 automatch play, do you think most will leave this on or have it off? I kinda wish it'll only be an option in unranked/custom and sp modes. |
Because they've been focusing on tactical pause so much there is no context action hotkey when you hit the spacebar in multiplayer. This needs to be rectified.
It might be because I've been staring at company of heroes 2 for almost a decade now but I feel the UI is quite grey/drab and the icons aren't very distinct or easy to see what is what at a glance. |
Technically, can add to diversity of strategies as a kind of relief unit or a snowball effect on your army. So I'm neutral with slight preference for them existing. A minor note could be that for new players or casual ones, it's easier UI-wise to find the non-doctrinal unit. |
If it's COH3 I hope they've taken into account all the in depth/sensible information, reminders, requests provided via the survey and in general over the years on what has made this franchise great and to not jeopardise it. In terms of visual-audio feedback, game mechanics, balance, content at launch, authenticity & fun. |