What do you consider to be competitive gaming?
Competitive gaming for me are ladders, cups and LAN events, which bring sposors to game and eyes of gaming comunity world wide. For cups and lan there have to be a prize budget. prizes also attrack players from other games to try them selfs in diffrent games, and try to get better or the best. No one will put a lot of his time in game that actualy have no goal (e Sport players)
What games have you considered to have played competitively? How involved did you get? How was your performance in these games?
Competitly i play Call of Duty 1. Was pretty sucessful with my clan. In late call of duty era, we were best Slovenian and european clan. We were:
rank 1 EU 5v5 ladder
rank 1 SLO 5v5 ladder
rank 1 SLo 3v3 ladder
rank 1 SLO 2v2 ladder
WON EU summer Open cup divison 1
WON SLO 5v5 cup
after this we seperated, our name in COD 2 was sucessfuly transferd to other players.
Back in call of duty days there were no streams, for cups and tournaments there were only radio shoutcasts, and Mirc bots who bringed the action to people.
Have you ever been to an offline or in person competitive event?
Yes, call of duty lans in my country.
For games you don't play do you watch any vods or streams? If so which games?
I watched only COH streams, and now COH2 streams. Becouse i am bored or i want to see other ppl play and learn something.
What do you believe makes a game competitive?
What i said in first question
Have you produced any content or organised any competitive events for any games? If not are you interested?
In call of duty we wre our own multigaming, but i was more player than main organasier. I consider myself a pearson who have bad nerves,for online organazing MVGame
Who do you believe is instrumental in building a strong competitive community?
What i have learned in Call of duty, which this become a really big problem in later CoD series, and ladder games. First of all is imature kids. Flaming, insulting, no respect and every match the same story. You start playing a match and in the end, you were only nervous, fun of playing dissaper in chat

The second most immportant thing is no cheating. This become in cod a really serious problem. You were not sure any more or the opponent was better or he hacked you. This brings to point where you realize that putting time, effort and love to the game...well this dissaper, and so comunity and competitive play slowly dying.
Only what left on the end is flaming kids and hackers.
That why i love coh2, gg wp, and a few words, and also a lot of people are more mature.