This is the point. The 2 man design is far too durable, and the source of a lot of issues. You use them because they are nigh impossible to kill, and therefore give you a very high return on investment compared to other faction snipers. A more homogeneous sniper dynamic is sorely needed, each differentiated by abilities rather then durability. The proposed changes reward infantry flanks...
Eg. Big flanks would clip one model, but the other rounds a corner and saves the "squad". Mortar shell lands and kills one model but not the other, it gets out. Counter snipe only kills one model, second model counter snipes you back. The 222 chases down the sniper, kills one model on a road but a con comes to cover with an AT nade and the last model gets out. Having cloaked falls ambush a sniper squad, killing only a single model as the second model retreats out.
These are all situations where the brit or ost one model snipers would've died,thus allowing the high ROI on soviet snipers to persist and generate more value over the course of an entire game.
Another good solution would be to limit factions to one sniper each - but then that limits gameplay choice.
The two men arent the source of that issue though, seriously, nerf its received accuracy so that it is extremely flimsy to rifle and mg fire and now it is no longer too durable.
The situations you make i dont think apply:
Big flanks clip one model, the other rounds the corner: quite a niche situation (also why shouldnt good positional play be rewarded inherantly), but nerf its received accuracy and you increase the rate at which both models die or a retreat is forced / make this play harder to pull off for the soviets, tweaking for balance but RA changes could sort this problem.
Mortar shell: 1 man snipers dont die to a mortar shell already, with 82 health and 1 model the soviet sniper wont either. The soviet sniper is the only team that CAN curreently be 1 shot by a mortar at the moment BECAUSE of its 2 man squad, this backs up my statements not yours?
222: increase its RA so after a fair (edit: i mean "balanced" fair has ambiguous meaning here i realised) amount of time under the 222's guns the sniper team dies. This is again not intrinsically linked to two models, but to not taking enough damage from small arms.
Cloaked falls: again increase its RA so they basically gib the squad under these circumstances.
Its about DPS taken, not the number of models. As i said to luciano, if the squad members had 2 men each with 1 hp and 100% received accuracy no one would be complaining that they are too durable.
This problem can be solved without the big homogenisation change.
Second edit: Just to be clear, i agree the soviet sniper is OP, i agree the soviet sniper is too durable. I disagree that the 2 models is inherently the reason, i disagree that its the right way to nerf the squad.