Hey Domonic,
A heads up, if I say something that is wrong I apologize, as my map making experience at this time is pretty much zero. I have however been working quite a bit with scar lately so maybe I can provide some help.
Not sure what you have tried yet. I was looking through the
ScarDoc and there is a player method that allows you to specify a ScarMarker location and prevents the use of targeted abilities at that location.
This is what I would try, but note that I haven't personally used this method so I'm not sure how well it works for your needs. You will need to do a bit of legwork.
First off, I would go into the attribute editor, and in the options in the upper left corner you want to export the "lua const export" (something along those lines), this should give you a scar file with lua tables containing every blueprint grouped by faction. If you want a sample of what this looks like, you can look here in my
github. I'm actually pretty sure you could even copy the abilities from that one if you want, as it is an unedited export.
I would then create a new lua table containing all of the abilities you wish to restrict in your bunker. To help with this, I would have the attribute editor open at the same time and look inside the "commander" category. You should be able to better identify them that way.
You will then need to create a ScarMarker in your bunker area in order to tell the scar function where you want to disable those abilities.
Your scar file could look something like this:
-- This allows us to use Relic's Scar functions
function disableAbilitiesInBunker()
-- Your comma separated list of abilities to restrict
local disabledAbilities = {
AIRDROPPED_MINES_MP = BP_GetAbilityBlueprint("airdropped_mines_mp"),
ARTILLERY_155MM = BP_GetAbilityBlueprint("artillery_155mm"),
ARTILLERY_SMOKE_BARRAGE = BP_GetAbilityBlueprint("artillery_smoke_barrage"),
-- Get your ScarMarker you placed inside the bunker
local bunkerMarker = Marker_FromName("Your ScarMarker's name")
-- For each player, disable each ability in the above list at the marker location
for i=1,World_GetPlayerCount() do
local player = World_GetPlayerAt(i)
for k,ability in pairs(disabledAbilities) do
Player_AddAbilityLockoutZone(player, ability, bunkerMarker)
Feel free to use that code and look around that github project for examples. Just a forewarning that it's a work in progress.
I'm not expert but I've put in about 100 hours so far into my mod and learned quite a bit.
I'm at work and can't test this right now, but later on tonight I'll see if this will work.