Hey @Rosbone is there any way i can help ?
i am c# .Net Developer for several years and if there are some things to do probably i can help.
From things i see "disturbing" me most is that project is still .net framework 3.5 which is very old version
Structure of GitHub repository consists of binaries and zips which does not allow code review and pull request effectively. Its pretty easy to change this and it will be a lot easier to encourage people to work on it.
And My personal note is about visual basic which i don't use at all, and is minority in .net environment. Additionally Microsoft states it's possible it won't have new features as newer version of .net will come so one day it can be dropped. But this my personal view and potential to migrate
Do you wanna say this program could be even better?
However, it`s a great tool, and Rosbone's work can't be honoured enough!
@Rosbone, I bought a new monitor and now Celo flips back into another (the old?) position for some reason, when I load a design. Could the resolution be tthe reason? Design 2 is the only one that goes back into it's usual position.
And another thing, is it possible, to show, which design you're currently using? So if I edit one, but forgot, which number it is, I won't overwrite a wrong one? And even greater would be, if I could scroll through the saved designs with the arrow keys. But that's just an idea, you did more than enough already!