A similar problem. What are the solutions? |
Hello. Now in COH2 the main delirium of navigation is visible in COH2. When spaced to different sides of the screen are 2 main navigation elements - the A) Minimap and B) the status icons of the units. As a result, the navigation process in COH2 turns into every second throwing from one side of the screen to the other for elementary operations "select a unit" and "send a unit somewhere." I really hope that in COH3, the developers will wake up and the main navigation elements will be next to each other. |
I think it's silly to buy a 240Hz monitor for a game and still set it to 120 Hz. What is the point of such a monitor? This annoying bug СOH2 seriously slow the introduction of modern monitors.
I don't understand why the developer can't pay attention to this in the first place. |
MakoCELO avoids that in an attempt for Reliablility. But it may be added at a later date. Please, add this to #WISH_LIST  |
Game does not launch on 240 Hz monitor. I see the Company of Heroes 2 splash screen, but the main menu graphics do not load. I can hear the Sega voice line, menu music, and my cursor selecting things in the main menu, but the splash screen does not go away. Alt tabbing will cause the splash screen to become a black screen, but still no main menu. After setting monitor refresh rate to 120 Hz the game launches fine.
This bug also exists in the 32-bit client, but I hope Relic can still look into this.
Thanks for the report Zeuskl, I've passed this on to tech.
Also thanks SneakEye. They are aware of this/ know there's work to do, but have forwarded in case it's informative for them.
Zeuskl, Andy_RE, hello.
I ask you not to keep the solution to this problem as a secret. It is very annoying in the era of 240Hz monitors.
Rosbone, hello. Great job!
Is there a technical ability to display countries? |
А few COH2-benchmarks, suddenly someone will be useful. vsync-off.
- Just for playing COH2 in maximum fps - it's better to take 7700k.
- Above Ryzen 7 it makes sense to think if you plan to COH2-streaming or other multithreaded tasks that are not related with COH2.
Correctly understand the conclusion?
P.S. It is a pity that streamers are not practically divided by feedback on performance in streaming conditions.
Which CPU gives more FPS in COH2: i7-7700k (4С/8Т, 4.2/4.5Ghz) or Ryzen 7 1700X (8С/16Т, 3.4/3.8Ghz)?
If proceed from the minimum video settings, which exclude dependence on video card.
What is more interesting - higher frequencies or x2 cores for game perfomance?
MHz memory will have a significant effect on the total? Is it necessary to overclock more specification 2400mhz ? |
DanielD, Puppetmaster - tnx!
On Win7 works well. On Win10 works with some glitches. Under some circumstances - just stops switching Alt+tab. |