I am a level 11 WM in 1v1. I am struggling with team games however. My friend and I are struggling to fight against UKF in 2v2. Every time we win are due to the facts either the UKF players have no idea how to play the game or the UKF's partners are complete noobs.
Well if the UKF player played his cards right it's simply a slow death for us. 1)IS+MG stall or IS BC(flame) push. 2) Then An AEC or a mortar emplacement plus AT gun. 3) Then just strict up comets spam.
The thing is that I can beat UKF in 1v1 (well not always but we all win and lose right XD). But it seems in 2v2 the Comets just kept coming, it's 500mp + 185fuel a piece how the hell can they spam so many of them?
Land mattress plus IS blobs can stall the game pretty well and when they retreated his partner blobs came in often costs enough damages to prevent a push from our side. When the time is right comets plus whatever UKF's partners have assist the push.
Panther just costs so much time and resources to build one and still lose to comet unless assisted by a friendly AT or a Stug.
I have a replay that shows exactly how we struggled to fight the comets and Easy eights. For clarification this is obviously a below average skill level game our opponents kept blobing and doing Banzai charges. My friend is the OKW player his camera angle got messed up mid game for like 20 mins then he fixed it somehow.
It really sucks that I lost to blob a rarely working strategy in 1v1 but for some reasons blobing worked like wonder in team games I was like 'wtf where do these super soldiers come from?' And my friend kept asking me 'what is that tank?' (he doesn't know what is a comet but he knows his beloved panthers are outclassed)
In order to maintain enough field pressure I have to spam as many stugs as possible just to halt the Allies push but Stugs ain't exactly the optimal choice to launch our own attacks. We won the early game and clearly showed that we are better than our opponents but when comets arrived we just couldn't keep our lead. We won the game but only because our opponents are really bad at their decision making and made odd manoeuvre (like the UKF player kept removing his Comets from frontline duties).