Sorry that I haven't posted anything yet but I had terrible pains yesterday and writing is exhausting for me.
Well what should I say: Stormless and A_E basicly summorized what was our intention with the Open-Letter: What happenend on Sunday should never happen again and I think that was my first thought. As a TO you have the FULL responsibility what happens. People are critizing you at first if anything goes wrong and as A_E mentionend its not always a pleasant job. With all that one of the "priviledge" as a TO is that you decide things. That starts with the name of the Tournament, Format etc. And aswell who casts the games. When I decided to organize this Tournament Me and my 2nd Admin FAHU we both agreed that Stormless, A_E and Romeo are the Best Caster for this Tournament. I thank all 3 of you for your hard work! and everybody else of course 
I'm sorry Hans that youz think that our intention was to make a Witch Hunt against you. I say this now loud and clear: IT WAS NOT OUR INTENTION! What you did last Sunday was wrong! You had not the right to cast any of the games on Sunday without asking me! If you see this otherwise then go for a sec into yourself imagine me sitting infront of you and look me in the eyes and repeat that you think you have done nothing wrong.
This is a very powerful statement. I hope this community comes out stronger from all of this. Its hard work producing content for the community,and I agree 100% with you Currahee. I think its time to forgive and move forward. Stormless,AE,Currahee,fahu, and Helpinghans have all made contributions to this community and i hope we can all move on from this as its pety. I thought this was kinda funny at first but after really researching what happened, i realized that this is very serious and can hurt entire community.