Im not sure whats funnier:
- The fact you think it was a close game (was pretty much over when they got indirect out (landmatresses) - you couldn't deal with it and pretty frequently just ran into the barrage lul
- You seem impressed that your Panther killed 2 fireflies, which had 0 to do with your skill or ability and all to do with the brit throwing them by a massive missplay
- Being impressed at playing double Ost vs Double Brit, especially when the Brit players were odd (same commander, no use of commandos, fairly late weapon upgrades, no flamer engineers etc
When is the rematch when you play double brits
If I didn´t know better I´d think you are new to
Nothing ullumulu says/claims is actually true. He always bends everything to suit his narrative. You should have known better than to watch this replay.