Ok, it's a bad simulation![]()
Think of an 88mm AT gun hitting on the side of Sherman turret, not in 90 degree angle, but in lets say 10 degrees... The shell bounces off, but the sheer energy of the shell will dent the tank, thus creating spalling in the turret. Maybe commander/gunner KIA... Ok, the rest of the crew panic and run, and yes, the capturing german pioneers shouldn't sit on the lap of the dead gunner... Maybe the recapturing of abandoned vehicles should be optimized? Maybe all factions should have call in tank crews so that dumbass engineers don't start commandeering a tank like the best of 'em...
But in the end it's same for both sides. So it's not biased.
In real life germans had the habit of shooting "knocked off" or abandoned shermans and other tanks until they caught fire, or were totally destroyed. This was because the US had a good chain of spare parts and service. The same tank could be repaired and back on the field the very next day!
I know what you mean, man. You get hit by a crapton of kinetic energy, it will harm you or the tank in some way, but this is not reflected in game. If that was represented, a KT getting hit by 3-5 shells (penning or not) should be abandoned, right?

But lets say the abandon mechanic HAS to stay. How can we impove it, to make it fair? I would suggest something like a cap timer, so they crew can't just jump 2 meters straight up in the air, and fly down in the turret/drivers hatch and be ready to fight immediately. Maybe give them a 5-10 sec capture delay, so any low health tanks has time to flee if they can't kill the tank. Also while capping the tank, the crew could be vulnerable to small arms fire, just like when the ST is reloading.