if you wanne say things with the click of one button (actually 2 to open chat

you have to do this
Numpad1:: send, Hey, hf
(for some reasson he can't just say what he has to say but the >send< should be on the >:<) (like w::r no space left between) (i hope you know what i mean)
everything after 'send,' will normally be said it doesn't matter if you put a ',' you'll have to figure out what works and what doesn't.
you can change numpad or the text behind it to whatever you want. this is just what i think i use

for the mousewheel, you just have to switch the button for 'iddle units'(just go above the button and normally it will show what you need to press, if it has a hotkey) to the key of ahk for mousewheels (could be named xbuttonmiddle for instance) (for the buttons on the side of your mouse it is xbutton1,2... and so on. that i know for sure)
for instance, lets say 'switch to iddle units' is button 'x' for coh2, and mousewheel is button 'xbuttonm' for ahk
you can do things like making it so that you only use it when capslock is on and so on...
just go look a bit up on ahk and you'll find it. it isn't much work if you really want it.
btw i don't know what you mean by 'protect my chat'
anyways gl!