In this game, I'm th Soviets.
This is a rather long replay, because we had a stalemate for some time. I tried to make a break and failed, but they did not seem to have the guts to counter-attack. And then, more or less half into the game, the opponent managed to make it to "our" side of the river. Then they rolled in with heavy armor and that was pretty much it - without throwing all our forces at them, we would not stand a chance. They slowly bled us anyway.
What could we have done to win this? I don't mean defending the point that we lost at the very end, leaving it was a stupid mistake (but mines ALMOST killed that Tiger! And they would have captured a second point anyway in a minute or so) - but how could we have pushed back that heavy armor in the South-East corner? I am quite surprised they did not roll over us instantly.
I have this urge to finally win a game...