Hey guys need help with assigning target priority.
I'd like mortars to prioritize other mortars first.
No matter what range / scatter / damage I change they just seam to ignore the very mortars that are blowing them to hell.
Counter barrage doesn't seam to do squat too.
I've seen those target priority vales like 4, 6 etc but don't know what they mean.
Help please  |
I got to say thanks again, this is working really well.
The AI does get confused a bit and seams to "give up" in some games, but over all they just build a lot of those Brummbärs and the other really big Brummbär.
Playing vs the Russians though causes no issues. |
If only garrisoned mortar squads, you can try
Wow, those trenches are perfect for mortars. Even has a little hole in the netting for it.
That blueprint and invincible garrison (until destroyed) is working perfect.
The AEF 81mm works fine, the 120mm Russian will not go in there, and I haven't tried the 60mm.
A different way of going about what I wanted but very pleased.
Thanks you guys for your assistance!
ebps\races\aef\buildings\defensive_structures\fighting_position\fighting_position_mp\hold_ext\despawn_on_load, False => True
garrisoned squads Invulnerable in hold
Freaking awesome!
Duh on my part, it even says "this variable has wrong name, need to be renamed to Invulnerable in hold." Nice easy toggle, so sweet, looking forward to playing with that on.
Now to just get the mortars to show up and work while in the nest.
K so I tried the 81mm mortar, and it did go "in" to the fighting nest, but unfortunately only 2 of the 4 guys showed up and there was no gun either.
Planet Smasher, do you have any idea how to make garrisoned squads invincible when they go into the nest?
I think I could add a condition on garrison to be invincible, or at least a ton of HP and armor, but I'd have to edit each squad.
Rather the building apply it to the garrisoned squad. |
Well I can't seam to figure that out.
Looks like the crew is in the nest "crew_ext", but the gun is in the upgrade "m2hb_50cal_fighting_position_mp", But also has some "add_crew_action" of gunner.
So I'm not sure how to change that all to a mortar.
On a side note, anyone know how to make the garasonable squad immune to damage if in the nest? That way the nest would have to be destroyed. I've glanced over the health modifiers, but don't see one that does invulnerable, or when garrisoned.
Thanks Planet Smasher, but I think I remember reading that it doesn't work. Something about changing the mortar weapon somehow.
To be sure I cloned the fighting pit, added mortar (and mg team), enabled attack in hold, and tried it.
I was able to garrison the MG team, but not the mortar, although I was testing the russian 120mm one, not any aef 60 or 81mm ones.
The reason I would like an emplacement is to make the whole thing have to be destroyed instead of just the team. Cause as I tested this and put in the brit 30 cal team, the germans threw one grenade in to the foxhole and boom, all dead.
Oh! maybe I can clone the MG upgrade ability and have THAT add a mortar team. Because with the upgrade, the enemy has to destroy the entire nest to kill the MG unit "inside". But again I may run into the mortar weapon issue that I don't remember for sure what has to be edited to allow it into the nest. |
I need to draw on yall's expertise again.
I'm looking to put a 81mm mortar into a fighting nest for the AEF.
Now I've already copied over the British 2 squad 3in mortar nest, but I don't really like it as it's slow to shoot, sometimes doesn't even shoot, and it takes up to much room.
I saw in some mod someone put an a small AT gun in a fighting nest, so I imagine putting a mortar in one is possible with current tools.
Now I've tried pointing the blueprint for the 3in to the fighting nest, the fighting nest builds but no mortar, but abilities show up.
I also made a squad with a loadout pointing to the fighting nest and 81mm mortar with zero results.
Could I get some help in what I need to clone, edit to get this to work.
Also, just like the Brit 3in, I don't want the crew killable, the whole emplacement must be destroyed. |
With fresh eyes this morning I looked over each line in the lua and saw was missing:
demolishable_ext, criticals needed "building_destroy" instead of world object, then got sick of going going line by line, I just copied the soviet barracks four times, and pointed it to the different aef building blueprints.
Seams to work perfect now. Not sure what specifically was the problem but I guess it could of been multiple missing flags.
Sorry for not doing this in the first place, just didn't want to have to recreate the buildings... |
So I've started a totally new mod since my old one just boggs the game down after 5 mins or so.
In this one I've not changed any vanilla files, except call in AEF assault engineers ability.
Then everything spawns off of them.
I did not directly clone the 4 base AEF buildings, so that maybe the issue.
I cloned the mobile radar building, made it buildable, then copied that 3 times just pointing to a different blueprint.
I gave them the same types as the vanilla base, like building, (hq, barracks, motorpool) so that when you click on the dock buttons 2x it will display the units and abilities, production_building, annihilation_condition (so the Captain can supervise it).
The issue I'm having is I've created 4 "new" buildings which they build, and can only build 1 via requirement check, but if I cancel the building, I can't build it again.
When I do cancel one, it says something like HQ destroyed.
I don't know what to change so that if one is destroyed or canceled while constructing I'd be able to build another one, short of removing the limit to only build one, and my buddy has no self control so he'd "cheat" and build 2,3,4 whatever. |