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Posts: 40
Thread: Company of Heroes 2 needs Punishment for leaver players10 Jul 2017, 12:47 PM
. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Company of Heroes 2 needs Punishment for leaver players10 Jul 2017, 12:45 PM
The game isn't enough supported to promote disconnection penalties. so best thing is to ban the AFK player by his own team mates. Friendly team play's rank system is separate from random team play. no one should be able to leave the game without any reason whether he is a friend or random. and good job you pointed the good point friends who team up together shall not be able to face randoms just like company of heroes 1 where you couldn't invite your friends to a competitive match. This unfair process needs to be rectified.its un fair when a powerful team of 4 who are in Teamspeak play against 4 random guys who doesn't have a cool team as well as them. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Company of Heroes 2 needs Punishment for leaver players10 Jul 2017, 07:08 AM
And how many of these people compared to those that are not? That is a particularly relevant question since it determines how many people will buy and play the game at all. Like it or not, if the answer is ridiculous like ten thousand as opposed to a million, then it's not worth it for Relic to have that system. 1-And how many of these people compared to those that are not? That is a particularly relevant question since it determines how many people will buy and play the game at all. Like it or not, if the answer is ridiculous like ten thousand as opposed to a million, then it's not worth it for Relic to have that system. >>First of all : more people will come and play this game with system because they are sure that fool team mate isn't gonna leave and keep playing. Second: you want to play a great game with nice and cool people or play a Ridiculous game with millions of fool people ?! i personally prefer to play a game with 10 cool persons till playing it with 10 milion idiots. 2-So this system relies entirely on Relic doing more work? lol that's pretty wishful thinking. >> Why ? Relic just created a cool game that requires boarding effort which is pretty hard work and why relic shouldn't be able to do the easy part ?! 3-Pretty bold assertion without any research done whatsoever. >> Well i should say if this situation continue number of coh2 players will increase. don't you think a cool player will hate the game if he sees his team mates are continuously leaving the game ?! so with this option there wont be more unreasonable leaving therefore no more hating of the game. and more people by hearing it are gonna buy the game. 4-And if I got dropped and said fuck it I'll just go take a shower, am I as much a leaver as that sore loser you played with? No, and the game cannot cannot possibly discern that. >> LOL ?! taking a shower after you got disconnected while you can join back to a competitive match ? of course you will deserve to get punished and get banned. its obvious and doesn't need that question. by doing this you are gonna waste your team mates time and possible make them lose that game. 5-Unfortunately what you have to say about this has nothing to do with your proposed system. >> why ? it can easily be done. dumbass noob that causes my win streak to fail >> well its a game and dumbass noob players can be everywhere as they might be in your enemy team. so you gotta deal with it. btw i don't think you match make with noob players. because if you are good player you will have good team mates as same as your level because relic ranking system works like that. Or are we differentiating from random automatches to unranked custom compstomps >> we are talking about ranked games here not about unranked games so punishment system is not necessary in unranked matches. That system of yours is going to have to be even more complex >> complex ? i don't think so and i have no idea why its complex for you ?! 6-So all three peolpe who don't want to play on will get banned, because the one guy that's "tough" won't even though he's forcing the other three to that action? System fails. >> a player who chooses to play a competitive match shall stand till end of it otherwise i don't call him a real competitor and yeah he must play till its end. if you are having problem with this why don't you go and play 1v1 ? or unranked 2v2 , 3v3 , 4v4 ? You're not tough because you don't leave the game. >> The obvious contradiction in your sentence (do you think before writing something ?) I sure as shit won't want to be held liable for a "crime" that I'm not even responsible for. Shit game is shit game, you don't make a system that punishes the PLAYERS for suffering it. >> you are reposible since you left the game so stay liable for . so deal with a competitive game and these responsibilities or just leave competitive gaming. you don't make a system that punishes the PLAYERS for suffering it >> a play who leaves should get punish and suffered. doesn't he suffers his team mates ? In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Company of Heroes 2 needs Punishment for leaver players10 Jul 2017, 07:07 AM
And how many of these people compared to those that are not? That is a particularly relevant question since it determines how many people will buy and play the game at all. Like it or not, if the answer is ridiculous like ten thousand as opposed to a million, then it's not worth it for Relic to have that system. 1-And how many of these people compared to those that are not? That is a particularly relevant question since it determines how many people will buy and play the game at all. Like it or not, if the answer is ridiculous like ten thousand as opposed to a million, then it's not worth it for Relic to have that system. >>First of all : more people will come and play this game with system because they are sure that fool team mate isn't gonna leave and keep playing. Second: you want to play a great game with nice and cool people or play a Ridiculous game with millions of fool people ?! i personally prefer to play a game with 10 cool persons till playing it with 10 milion idiots. 2-So this system relies entirely on Relic doing more work? lol that's pretty wishful thinking. >> Why ? Relic just created a cool game that requires boarding effort which is pretty hard work and why relic shouldn't be able to do the easy part ?! 3-Pretty bold assertion without any research done whatsoever. >> Well i should say if this situation continue number of coh2 players will increase. don't you think a cool player will hate the game if he sees his team mates are continuously leaving the game ?! so with this option there wont be more unreasonable leaving therefore no more hating of the game. and more people by hearing it are gonna buy the game. 4-And if I got dropped and said fuck it I'll just go take a shower, am I as much a leaver as that sore loser you played with? No, and the game cannot cannot possibly discern that. >> LOL ?! taking a shower after you got disconnected while you can join back to a competitive match ? of course you will deserve to get punished and get banned. its obvious and doesn't need that question. by doing this you are gonna waste your team mates time and possible make them lose that game. 5-Unfortunately what you have to say about this has nothing to do with your proposed system. >> why ? it can easily be done. dumbass noob that causes my win streak to fail >> well its a game and dumbass noob players can be everywhere as they might be in your enemy team. so you gotta deal with it. btw i don't think you match make with noob players. because if you are good player you will have good team mates as same as your level because relic ranking system works like that. Or are we differentiating from random automatches to unranked custom compstomps >> we are talking about ranked games here not about unranked games so punishment system is not necessary in unranked matches. That system of yours is going to have to be even more complex >> complex ? i don't think so and i have no idea why its complex for you ?! 6-So all three peolpe who don't want to play on will get banned, because the one guy that's "tough" won't even though he's forcing the other three to that action? System fails. >> a player who chooses to play a competitive match shall stand till end of it otherwise i don't call him a real competitor and yeah he must play till its end. if you are having problem with this why don't you go and play 1v1 ? or unranked 2v2 , 3v3 , 4v4 ? You're not tough because you don't leave the game. >> The obvious contradiction in your sentence (do you think before writing something ?) I sure as shit won't want to be held liable for a "crime" that I'm not even responsible for. Shit game is shit game, you don't make a system that punishes the PLAYERS for suffering it. >> you are reposible since you left the game so stay liable for . so deal with a competitive game and these responsibilities or just leave competitive gaming. you don't make a system that punishes the PLAYERS for suffering it >> a play who leaves should get punish and suffered. doesn't he suffers his team mates ? In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Company of Heroes 2 needs Punishment for leaver players9 Jul 2017, 21:01 PM
1-Who wants to play a game where you might get banned just for trying to leave a game? >> Good question now there is the answer : Tough players who doesn't like a team mate leaves. 2-There is no way to find out if someone "doesn't" come back. Sometimes my game drops at start, or in the middle. You're telling everyone that I must be categorized the same as a rage quitter? >> why cant you understand this simple thing ? no you are not gonna get punished if you join back to the game and if you get disconnected because of your connection ( i mean its not your fault) you can come back to the game by an other option called "RECONNECT TO GAME". its third time i'm explaining you this. 3-What's actually going to happen is that the player base will drop up until no one else plays the game, because as long as players are in the game, there will be people who will experience drops. At least now, those players would want to come back; with your solution, they can't. There won't ever be a "vice versa", and certainly not incidentally. >> number of coh2 players will increase with this solution you know why ? because as i said most of people enjoy of playing a game without any leavers. 4-way it works over there >> did you read last paragraph of previous post ? i brought you an example of how it works. 5- The intentions and reasons for leaving a match defines what makes it a crime, not the fact that they leave at all. A ragequitter and someone suddenly losing connection or power while intentionally playing the game are both leavers, and any punishment system is immediately a flawed one if there's no way to discern between the two. >> we can Distinguish leaver (rage-quitter) from the one who gets disconnected because of connection problems by which RECONNECTING system. it just became 4th time i'm explaining this. 6-Your idea of punishing people who do this won't even solve this problem, anyways. What happens is said players stay in the game and just get toxic, grief your units and base to make the match end earlier, or go AFK because it avoids them being banned. Your system is therefore flawed since it neither solves problem, but also makes it worse. >> you just pointed a good point " going toxic and being AFK" to prevent this happening a heavy punishment is required. for example you save game reply and send it to relic then team killer player is going to get CD-Key banned. and about AFK guy there should be an option which kicks player if he doesn't move for 1 minute and replace it with expert CPU with more resources ( why more resources ? because of Compensation of AFK time) 7-And what about team games where one guy refuses to surrender when everyone else wants to? Should all three players risk being banned via leaving because one guy was AFK or otherwise didn't vote at all? Because your punishment system demands that. >> yes leaver shall get punished. thats not that toughs guy problem if he doesn't want to surrender. that's the leavers problem. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Company of Heroes 2 needs Punishment for leaver players9 Jul 2017, 07:44 AM
If my teammate is shit or a nub and match is going bad in first five minutes, yes. 1-If my teammate is shit or a nub and match is going bad in first five minutes, yes. >> My Guess was right you are 1 of those loser players who leave the game! this is why you disagree with these terms. you know why ? because if the punishment gets activated you will get banned and thats not good for you and players like you. 2-That's a laughable differentiation, because someone who loses connection and cannot rejoin the game is considered to be the same as rage quitting. >> first of all he can join back . second if he doesnt it means he has rage quitted because if he didn't rage quit he would join back. i think your opinion here is more laughable because you have no idea of what the post is about. 3-Let's pretend this is even true, because it isn't: the result is that far fewer players will play this game. >> Incidentally vice versa ! because most of the people like fair games so most of the people will come and play this game because they are sure there wont be Ridiculous problems such as leaving a player. well that's your opinion " it isn't true " 4-flawed punishment system >> Explain more about this. 5-We can look to DoW3 to see if they did. >> i didn't play DoW3 but if there is not punishment system maybe that's because there wasn't such post before idk. i don't care about down of war 3 we are talking about Company of Heroes 2 here. 6-Because punishments should always fit the crime, and leaving a match isn't even a crime yet still get a punishment. You just want it to hurt more because you presume it will make everyone not leave matches. >> Leaving a competitive match is of course a crime and shall has its own suitable punishment just like every crime has. just imagine you are going to win your match and get a cool Victory streak but enemy gives comeback on the other side of the map , where your team mates are fighting , then your team mate loses himself and leaves the game and CPU Exp cant do anything and you lose match also you lose your cool victory streak. you like that situation ? if you like it well that's not our problem sorry but if you don't , the punishment would be best solution for preventing such players leave the game 7- if sometimes as you say AI takes the task and your team wins its because the enemy team is terrible. so it's not gonna happen sometimes its gonna happen rarely because most of the times your enemy team is pro. It's proven that AI is nothing and humans brain is in Higher level. 8-I'm guessing this is the actual punishment you have in mind? Because you never actually stated what tat punishment is. >> punishment will be something like that ; the player who leaves the match and doesn't join back, will get match making ban for some hours and if he do that again that hour will increase and if he really do that again will get a serious ban for example he wont be able to play for 1 week or more. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Company of Heroes 2 needs Punishment for leaver players8 Jul 2017, 19:04 PM
just imagine some one is sitting in his own boat he can Pierce it but if that person is sitting in a ship with other people he is not allowed to Pierce it. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Company of Heroes 2 needs Punishment for leaver players8 Jul 2017, 11:14 AM
is leaving in middle of 2v2 or 3v3 or 4v4 match reasonable ? In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Company of Heroes 2 needs Punishment for leaver players8 Jul 2017, 11:10 AM
I don't play CS:GO, but it also sounds like you haven't either seeing as you didn't actually properly explain how it works. 1-you nor the game can ever discern between legit reasons and ragequit >> did you read previous posts ? i explained how to realize a guy who gets Disconnected from a guy who just Leaves or Rage Quites ; if the one who left the game join back to the game it means that he has Lost his Connnection and he has legit reason for leaving game but if he doesn't join back to the game it means that he has Rage quited. 2-When you play a game you are intentionally wasting your own time for enjoyment >> Enjoyment isn't wasting time. 3-If the game doesn't compensate and the player that stays loses leaderboard rank, that's the games problem. You don't fix a game problem by punishing players. >> Punishing player equals with fixing the Problem because by punishing the player who leaves the game without any reason we actually prevent from these problems to happen again. 4-This is like banning players who use OP unit call-ins rather than just nerfing the call-ins. That's dumb. >> these 2 subjects have nothing to do with each other. 5-Because you clearly have the North Korean sort of punishment mentality.>> if its North Korean sort then CS:GO's Sort is also for North Korea but i dont know why are really enjoying that Punishment sort ?! dont you think its fair enough ? if you dont like it then its your Problem not other players who want to have a fair game. 6-that's not the leaver's fault >> Again you have understood nothing of what we said about these options. obviously its the leavers fault who leaves the game and doesnt join back 7-If they gave a fuck last few years they would have done something about it. But they don't, so they won't. You're just so desperate that you'll lash out at anyone. Don't be no fascist. >> yeah maybe they dont care about it for Coh2 but they will bring this option to Coh3 BTW why you disagree with punishment ?! i think you are 1 of those players who leave in middle of Competitive match and doesnt respect to teammates right. otherwise you should be agree with these terms. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Company of Heroes 2 needs Punishment for leaver players8 Jul 2017, 10:14 AM
+ The player with bad internet connection must go and play 1vs1 game and shall not be able to join 2v2 & 3v3 & 4v4 games. In: COH2 Balance |