Damn, time flies. We've got 30 days left till the first iteration of the WBP goes live. There needs to be a lot more tweaking to address the milestones outlined by relic.
While the AEC, Puma, Luchs and 222 are somewhat balanced, the Stuart and T70 remain powerful. Perhaps still too powerful to be considered 'light 'tanks'. I find the T70 to be the bigger offender here, with its high rate of fire and mobility, and now its as durable as any other light tank. The Stuart doesn\t wipe infantry with its splash damage anymore, but given the high utility of the light tank, the LMGs need some further nerf.
And I am looking for one single logical argument as why small arms must be able to penetrate and soft counter the Puma and 222.
New Squad Formations shouldn't affect the soviets, as they are durable enough and should remain considerably more vulnerable to HE/Arty units.
Same as above.
The problem with this unit is a design issue, balancing the stats won't resolve that. The proposed changes in the WBP are too trivial anyway.
Guards are fine. Penals lost some AI, while gaining too much utility and outshadowing cons.
- Wehrmacht Infantry Scaling
Well where to begin with.
- ASSAULT GRENADIERS They are a high impact, hard hitting starter unit. What minimal received accuracy they get in exchange after reaching veterancy is irrelevant. For mid game and late game we have panzergrenadiers. Removing the armor value from the squad leader is a nerf. I am curios to know the reasoning behind this, aside from nerfing the Mechanized Assault Doctrine.
- PANZERGRENADIERS They are OK. They have been OK for a long time now.
- GRENADIERS Reinforcement cost untouched
- STORMTROOPERS Their stock rifles need to be better, a lot better. Their upgrade costs are expensive and with the camouflage nerfs, they are going to be at an even weaker position.
- OSTRUPPEN Should be able to dig their holes inside neutral/enemy territory.
- PIONEERS They need faster repair speed and more utility, as stressed by the community.
- SNIPER The biggest loser from the camouflage changes. It needs unique veterancy bonuses.
That is all I can think of for now. And for out of scope changes, there is this thread brought up by Frost.