Yes. I don't know why such a powerful unit like the MG42 is T0 especially on these small maps were you win the game in 2 minutes just by rushing it into a building
It is in T0 because all Alliis are spam fractions. No troll, that is the fact = bad fraction design of Allii, to compensate the f**ked Ostheer. |
Ost-Panzer 4 has no benefits with its armor, it is slower and has same HP than the Allii-tanks. (it would woth the price with more HP)
Panther is more difficult to use than all allii-tankhunters. Also with more armor, it simply is to easy to counter with only PaKs. It has bad acc. and bad range as tank-hunter. (it would be ok, if Firefly and Jackson would have 55 range and Panther has normal acc.)
StuG is the only tank worth it. But its pen is so bad, it will have bad card countering effective on larger mulitplyer, because it is simply to easy to out-play it. (it would be ok, if you remove the cric. shot and gibe it the option to change ammo to a high-pen with less damage)
The porblems of Germans get larger and larger in game modes.
Jagdpanzer 4 is a great tank, but I take SU85 over it. It is better to have a Zis and a SU85 than having a Püppchen and a Jagdanzer 4. That is my opinion. |
Rename them to "siberian reserve" and hide their weapon-up-greade like @Elchino said: Satchel requires Molotov upgrade. PTRS requires AT nade upgrade.
Now we can make a real penal-troup for a future commander or revamp. |
Troll-thread? Most Allii vehilces have average more or equial pen than german vehicles. lol |
1. You are ignoring sight blockers e.g. smoke. So you can shoot without vision. That is needed versus smoke-cancer.
2. That will mybe never happen with PaKs, maybe with Piats. ^^ if you have vision, ever use the auto-attack. Only some arty-units and Piats can still be optimiced with ground. |
MP40 was mainly used for tank-crews and Sturmführer. Pioneers were not fighting units, sometimes they were used at the HKL (main battle line), for that we have assault pios of OKW. Normal Pios had mainly K98, Lugar and sometimes MP40.
For me it is a problem how the Pio is designed. At the moment it would be better to buff them and give 3 men like in CoH1. (2 men for equipment)
I am on my mobile phone and cant check stats. But as I know they have by far the worst MPs, (only crews have worse). And with flamer they are out of any effective range, unlike soviet Pios. And the the cheaper soviet Pio is way better than german one. |
The weapon-profile of Ostheers Pios is simply broken, with flamer the MP40 will do close to 0 damage at flamers max. range. And for only close-range stats their DPS is way too low in comparison to other units.
1. The problem of Ostheers Pios started when Assault-Grens were published as commander unit. (Before that Pios had way better MP40). Then Pios were nerfed, now Assault-Pios of OKW have the jop as close-range unit.
a. Make the MP40 better (maybe increase MP to 210 or reduce crew sice to 3 like in CoH1).
b. Give them K98
And if they shouldn't be combat units, have bad stats, than give them Lugars.
2. The increase of HP would be a buff, that is true. But only a small one, some hits of inf and it still dies. While all other light vehicles with same price have more armor and DPS, 251 could have little bit more HP. That is the idea, and that doesn't depends on the tier. It would be a useful change. Don't start splitting tech-costs instead.
3. The different stats for same weapon blueprints are stupid. The stats of them sould be more similar to other units with same weapons. E.g.
Weapon of: crews = useless / Pios = bad / Assaultgren = ok / Stormtrouos = op
All of them have MP40? Wtf Mabye give crews K98 (OKW stats). Pios Lugar (range down to 20 so they can also be used as scouts, maybe MP40 with the 5th men upgrade). Assaultgrens stay with MP40 and Stormtroups get PPsh.
Why PPsh? Germans used them on mass and the stats are nearly as Shocks PPshs. |
Its not a frontline combat unit if its unupgraded and if its upgraded, it'll obliterate anything, PTRS penals included.
And it was just made better this patch, go read the notes.
You want it to be more durable, you'll have to put it in T3, where soviet "durable" one is and deal with the fact that field is now littered with real AT weaponry and still have it die in 2 shots, like the soviet one.
You fine with that?
You can't have very early game transport and reinforcement unit that is strong against small arms, when it arrives at a time when small arms is all there is on field.
Plus, you still didn't provided any valid reason why should it be any more durable, while ignoring the fact it arrives BEFORE AT guns do and has plenty of space in its time window.
I would also be fine with more HP for M5, sure. 2 hits is simply too easy to kill, game has too many path-finding bugs for that, micro often makes no difference.
Before making it 10fuel cheaper I woumd instead like to see/have littme bit more HP for the full price it has now.
Yes, it got nice buffs. Like we say in german:"Es wäre das Sahnehäupchen." |
Yes, just the Bofors. As of Today anyway. Who knows what the future will bring?
My standpoint is that no units, no matter the faction, should ever be nerfed out of the game. Seeing people behave with that goal in mind just get really infuriating.
Bofors was OP in some situations, still the unit can be usefull. Nothing got nerf out.
UK should get brace only with garrison, as extra they should get option to build MG bunkers. |
to fix cons
an orrah buff might just fix cons, give it 20% RA and 30% CD reduction during it, and they become good but not op , it can eb used both for offense and defense
Sounds good, that and nerfing penals a little bit. |