For the love of God, please stop calling Oberkommando West OKW.
OKW is taken. It stands for Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, which is the Supreme Command of the combined German Army/Navy/Airforce. Every time I see someone use OKW to refer to the western front, my brain shudders in an uncomfortable moment of confusion. The proper abbreviation for Oberkommando West is OK West.
I can understand your frustration. Relic's naming of the two German armies in COH2 is suboptimal to say the least. We know full well that OKW during the war meant the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht. But this guide is for the game, and that abbreviation refers to the fictional faction "Oberkommando West" (whatever in the world that is) that exists in the game.
Are you going to tell us next that we can't use "WFA" to refer to the expansion because WFA was used by the Germans to refer to the Wehrmacht-Führungsamt?