So I just had a game where I effectively dealt with american blobbing with heavy combined arms micromanagement. I see a lot of posts here and on reddit asking how to do this so I figured I'd upload an example.
I did end up losing because while I have my infantry/support unit micro down pat, I still have difficulty setting up tank battles in my favor. Specifically I think I lost the game when I lost my first tiger. If you watch the replay you'll notice that this happened shortly after I rammed my p4 is an intentionally bad position.
My thought process was, use the p4 as bait for his armor, have them engage, run into my tiger, all while in the safety of the area close to their base.
Then as my tiger fires shots, call in anti tank strafing over the area (so that his base is included in the area) and hope that, even if I lost my tiger the luftwaffe would finish the armor.
But, as is historical tradition (looking at you evacuation of Dunkirk), the luftwaffe failed miserably. His armor survived and I lost all of mine.
Anyways, note the anti-blobbing techniques, double MG coverage, mines covering obvious flank routes on the MGs, mortar support and AT gun micro to counter offending armor. Also note the constant re-positioning of support infantry to avoid being countered by enemy indirect fire.
I seriously lack the ability to cast, I may try, but if a caster who does 'educational' casts of mid-level play (was lvl 8 before the match) wants to cast this replay and also give me some tips on tank battles that'd be super awesome!
If anyone else has any comments/tips, those are also appreciated. For reference I have about 328 hours in the game, split between 1v1s and 2v2s with friends. |
I apologize so much, school picked up after I posted this and I never noticed the replay until now. Thank so so much for casting my game, I've been wanting that kind of critique for so long. I really appreciate it! Honestly, seeing this made my day.
Great cast too, gonna sub to future videos. Thanks again!
Also... I am so sorry. I have learned much since last march, so even watching myself I am cringing but this was the best. Thanks again.
"I'm still calling it for the germans as the Tiger will be a very a panther is being built." |
I am constantly losing to tactics similar to the replay here. In fact that was one of my best vs american games in recent memory (where there wasn't an obvious skill gap that allowed me to just stomp).
But seriously how do I play against this?
What I'm up against:
Massive amounts of riflemen and rear engineers early on, no single or even double gren squad can handle it (which is problematic because by the time I get 3 out he'll have a force that can't be handled by the 3 squads, etc.).
These rifles are soon after upgraded with bars. Grenadiers become more or less useless in ratios worse than 2:1 for me due to the BARs.
For every bar squad there seems to be a bazooka squad which makes armored cars crazy risky. Even with smoke and some micro, and infantry support I simply can't get them to survive much, if I focus on microing the car he'll fuck up my infantry, if I micro my infantry he'll fuck up the car. Once either is gone things get really bad, not to mention the manpower loss.
Post-Mid Game
By this point things really suck as it is, but going forwards I have to make a few choices:
Go T2 -> Werblewind: put the werble behind my infantry and push up. Since the werble isn't made out of 1 ply toilet paper it can withstand some zookas and I can force attack zooka squads. Unfortunately due to the losses sustained early/mid, enemy tanks become a serious issue.
AT-infrantry support is very limited in what it can do since allied tanks use stolen V2 rocket tech to propel themselves to match 7 and fuck up my werble. Enemy infantry is usually between me and the enemy tank that can still hit my werble, yet my shreks, can't manage to hit a fucking thing at max range if they ever get in range. Also, and if someone could explain this to me, I swear that sometimes the reload for the shreks takes longer than other times.
AT-Gun support is better, but clunky and has to be watched. But I suppose this is my best option if I'm going this route.
Go T2 -> Stug G: Again behind my infantry, if possible upgraded with mg's. This move is mainly in anticipation of their armor. Unfortunately it's limited arc of fire and rocket propelled allied tanks make a single stugs fantastically useless. With 2 or 3 stugs I can focus fire whatever comes at me and suffer a 1 stug loss in the process. Naturally however, this is resource intensive, risky and I'd prefer to avoid it.
Go T2 -> P4: This might be the thing I'm not sure, again would have to be used extremely passively until it can have a twin and an MG upgrade. They do come out later than the other two however, and if that early/mid game goes as shittly for me as it can, they never will. The replay game is actually one of the first to ever survive to a p4 on the field. This might be the cause of my problems, any thoughts on skipping T1 (armored cars) to rush T2->P4 vs this american strat?
Skip T2, Go T3 -> Panzerwerfer: Great for dealing with those blobs. Unfortunately made from recycled armored car 1 ply toilet paper and basically begging for sonic the allied battle tank to drive by my base and fist it with a shell. Arguably I can try to move this guy around the map at all times, but that is mentally taxing when engaged in battle and risky in case there is anything scary in the fog of war. Panthers often require resources I'll never have, Burmmbars have let me down too often.
Early Game
So given the above shitty reactionary/damage control options it seems obvious to me that I simply cannot lose early/mid game as much as I do.
I'm gonna lay out some strategy ideas from sane to insane and I'd love some feedback.
Try to win vs the over whelming American infantry.
I do this by only working with 2 gren squads in an engagement at minimum and then saving up for sniper support, I haven't tried this against americans before but the tactic works great vs brits. Might work well, especially considering they can't counter snipe.
Instead of ever trying to win vs the overwhelming American infantry, I focus on slowing them down and keeping them busy.
I do this by cycling my 2 maybe 3 gren squads. 1 squad fights from cover/micro with stun/rifle nades, 2nd squad on the way, 1st squad gets to 1 model retreats as 2nd squad arrive to replace, 3rd squad on the way, 1st squad reinforcing/healing, 2nd squad to 1 model retreats, 3rd squad replaces, 1st squad on the way, 2nd squad re-enforce/heal, etc. This is all fine and dandy but I think I actually end up bleeding more man power than he does overtime which means I'm losing.
Alternatively I can use the same idea as above but with 2 squads and a support weapon. Unfortunately regardless of my choice, MG or Mortar both make the strategy more susceptible to flanking. Which will inevitably happen when dealing with as much infantry as I am. 1 gren 2 MG may be better as the supporting MG can cover the first one, I haven't tried this yet. What I do know for sure though, is that I'm likely to avoid putting MGs in buildings in the future.
Try to use storm doctrine to guerrilla warfare the Americans with ambushes (using cloak)
Haven't thought this one through too much, but if anyone has tried it do let me know.
Try to mach/exceed overwhelming American infantry.
Firstly, the second I find myself in an engagement with rifles, I respond with not only my gren squad but also near by pios to flank and attempt to tip the tide of battle. I actually already do this and it has helped on occasion. Unfortunately this works best only when the gren squad starts the engagement and is join by pioneers, which is less likely than the other way around early game but non the less, it's something.
Alright, let's take some crazy pills here. American rifle squads cost 280MP my grens cost 240MP, at 5 rifle squads I should be able to have 6 gren squads. Here have another pill. But instead of eventually having more infantry, lets go for something a bit more drastic. I build 2 infantrie kompanies spamming grens as fast as possible. It will be imperative however that I do not 'counter blob' I will instead focus on keeping troops separated, and constantly flanking/fausting enemy light vehicles.
I use my double pioneers from the start of the game to cap wherever my grens aren't fighting. I skip T1 and rush T2->P4 and make hitler proud.
That's it, that's all I got. Any feedback/suggestions are much appreciated. |