I've been wondering what you guys would say.
My personal doctrine so far for the UKF is:
I) Early game boni are more important than mid or late game boni as your success in early game will result in a larger mapcontrol where the additional resources will have a direct impact on your mid and lategame anyway.
II) Taking this into consideration I chose the Tommy Infantry Squad (equipped with Brens asap) as the backbone of my army that helps me from early to late game.
III) Thus I focus all my 3 available bulletins on the Tommy Infantry Squad.
Now my questions to you guys are:
Do you agree with my situational estimation or do you see some major or minor strategical flaws?
White: Infantry Section Squads have 3% increased accuracy.
Green: Infantry Section Squads will reload 3% faster.
Blue: Infantry Section rifles cool down 2% faster between shots and reload 2% faster.
Considering that I'd have 3 of each available (which I don't have so far) which combination would be the best?
I'm not aware about how the calculations of the various factors are dealing with the total DPS but using 3x the blue rare bulletin doesn't appear on first sight to have the best effect to me as it only affects the rifles of the section which to my understanding would include the normal Enfields & hopefully the Vet 3 Scoped Enfields but exclude the 2 Bren Gunners. So only 2 of 4 / 3 of 5 would benefit from this bulletin of 6% faster cool down and 6% faster time between shots if used with all 3 bulletins.
Now the question to me is if 9% faster reload or 9% increased accuracy is better where I would side with the accuracy, as 1 out of 10 hits more into the target, especially for the Bren, might do a better job at killing the enemy as quickly as possible (including the occassional fleeing last man). This would ironically make the common white bulletin the best out of the three.
Edit: Just read Elchino's post. Guess that already answers my questions in advance.
How boring that the bulletin system ain't any more complex.