I think they added the summer skins in winter and vice versa as a way to expand their war spoils pool as it almost doubles the number of skin items.
The funny thing about the Dog Company and Four Color Camos is though they were painted on american built tanks those tanks were in british service at the time like in the pictures above. So in a way those camos would make more sense as UKF ones.
I always thought the US Field Modified camos looked funny with the black patches but I recently read a good book about US armored operations in western europe and come US armies did indeed use black over olive drab camos. It started about the time of Operation Cobra in Normandy.
"For US i know that the Field Camouflage/Four Color Camouflage/Ardennes Field-Modified Camouflage/Baker, Dog and Fox Company Camouflages existed and were used in Europe/Afrika"
The Fox Company camo is real? With the blue and yellow stripes across the rear end? That surprises me.
I'd like to know more about the UKF Black Dapple camo, never could find any pictures or profiles of anything like it.
#Steam AliasWL%Streak
- 1.42963.872+7
- 2.52875.876+1
- 3.302163.649+2
- 4.12644.741-1
- 5.312114.732+8
- 6.289112.721+1
- 7.193100.659+3
- 8.14760.710-2
- 9.271158.632+2
- 10.6717.798+5