You are almost comically missing the point here, the reason armor was added to Urban defence precisely because commanders becoming useless late game is bad design, you have no reason to pick such commander over meta commanders who are mostly good at every stage of the game.
Actually you are missing the point of commanders (can we pls avoid provocation at least in this thread?).
A commander should not be there to make the a faction stronger is all stages and aspect of the game but the add strength and options at a particular stage or aspect of the game. Else the faction becomes commander dependent.
In addition revamped commanders should be buffed to meta commander level since many of the meta commander are simply op: For instance a commander that combines g43/stuka loiter and Tiger, a powerful infantry buff, a powerful off map and superheavy call-in, is op and instead of nerfing these abilities one should simply not combine them.
As I explained adding a powerful off map to the commander instead of call-in tank would keep him relevant in late game without making him OP.