I do not know where else to ask this, partly because I am not a part of any other gaming forums and I do not want to ask this on GTA forums or reddit (because the fanbois will bury me alive).
what is so special about GTA5?
i get getting to play in GTA5 world setting in a big multiplayer setting is very very impressive. But being able to play in this setting with your friends is all i can think of.
to me, gta5 has decent third person shoot with eh responsiveness and good driving. all the missions are just shoot or drive. from simple death match to heist, i can't see a difference. all this elaborate heist prep idea is undermined by the very bombastic nature of GTA5 anyway.
Is there something i am missing? can you make allegiances? enemies? can you do anything but buy bigger cars and planes and apartments?
Yeah I sort of feel the same. Playing alone gets boring very quick(imo) , and the missions are tedious. The heists require other people, and if you can even find anybody you have to deal with uncoordinated teammates, and sometimes well....just plain bad players who die constantly (and depending on the difficulty, 1 death is all it takes to have to restart.)
To me, it is special because it's a game that I can start and within 5 minutes be having fun with either jets, tanks, or cars. There's Arma which is free roam and has a big map, but it's nothing like gta. Now thinking of it, it's the only game of its kind that I can play with friends. The dlcs also don't really bring any thing special, just some new guns which is just the same as any other gun with different stats and different looks. The dlc cars are yet again, nothing really special.
I suppose the real wow factor is playing with friends in an open world and having the freedom to drive around and shoot stuff while having no real restrictions (cops are a hassle, but manageable).
Like generally when I start up GTA with a friend or two, we have no idea what to do originally, we just kind of drive around and find stuff. For example, taking a bike up to the top of a building and trying to ride it down the building.
Another game that is similar is Saints Row, but it isn't massively multiplayer, and honestly even if it was I still think GTA5 would be better.