General Information
Register Time: 10 Oct 2015, 06:31 AM
Last Visit Time: 12 Mar 2016, 21:28 PM
Steam: 76561198023715278
Birthday: 1995-10-17
Residence: Canada
Nationality: Canada
Timezone: America/Edmonton
Game Name: Hat
actually the suspression was nerfed too which is the downside compared to the pack howi. Get hitted by howi: Go the fuck down, you are pinned! Get hitted by ISG is not even close as painful as by the Pack howi
imo the way to balance them is limit you to 3 max like pathfinder beacons. Maybe increase the build time a little bit too and let them be crushed by vehicles.
That has to be wrong, I've played pretty much only brits in 2s after patch and croc still wipes squads/AT cannons/MGs incredibly fast, while I have been able to tank hetzers with my standard infantry like if it wasn't shooting.