hihihihihi everyone!
Capping order was okay only if you want to get out a fast vehicle, if you are not then there is no reason to prioritize fuel over all else. Also whats is with all the barbed wire on the fuel point? That serves no purpose?
The other dude was blobbing a lot, but he was blobbing to a point that wasn't cutting you off from any of your resources, you didnt really neeeeeed to fight him there. Out maneuvering an opponents blob is a very good way to punish him for it.
You did try to outmaneuver him somewhat but you didnt cut him off. Also you have to watch out for where the blob will go and get out of that area before you get cut of from your base, or commit enough forces there to win the fight. (if he is in a blob you know how much he has, balls is in your court).
You should have gone for an MG first (because of the blobbing). Then when the USF player got out a M20 you got a second LEIG, not a raketten. That is simply being too loyal to a build order that might have worked before. Play against your opponent, not what you hope your opponent will do.
By the point you are trapped in your base the game is pretty much over. USF, if allowed to snowball (because they have all the map) is almost always going to win, did you watch the replay yourself? The dude had about 500 fuel by the end of the game.
You did okay later mostly coz the other guy decided to put zooks on EVERYTHING, making his men crap at fighting infantry, you then went for a MASSIVE infantry force yet kinda just left them there doing not much. Even if you just blobbed them together in two different blobs they would have been more effective than sitting in your base.
Also you had the doctrine that gave you a Command panther, and you almost had the fuel for it, yet you put down the flak HQ in a far too defensive position. If you were going to make the gamble that you could defend that flak gun with your rakettens (i think you probably could) then you need to put it in a place where it forces the USF guy to attack it.
Dude you got a (normal) panther and you knew he had Zooks on loads of his men and you ran it in unsupported? No, no, no... a panther is a specialist tank that is GREAT at fighting over tanks but below average at fighting infantry. You need to keep that things supported with infantry (especially if its your only tank).
I know you are getting used to the game and i know you haven't played that much of the game but thats all you need, much more game time. You made some pretty good plays and you have determination, now you need to watch streams of top players playing and Youtube vidoes of them and reading guides, but mostly just playing. Experience is the best teacher.
Apologies if i was a little harsh, but you need to start thinking on your feet, hard to do in the midst of battle but that's what you needed most. Micro will come with time.
Good luck and have fun!