They brought a lot of new stuff in season 3. And the weak things they buffed, for more options for tactical gameplay instead of cookie cutter strats.
This makes such little sense in so many ways. How does Riot's forceful change of the entire meta of LoL have anything remotely similar to balance patching? Sure, messing with how snipers work will make them less vital in most games but that still doesn't compare, even remotely, to Riot addition of new content every 2 weeks; besides the fact that they have glaring broken champions so they're not a very good comparison for CoH, and there are dozens of cookie cutter strats in LoL. Almost every mid-high elo ranked game uses them.
Now, moving onm I may be a fresh-faced noob but I know that snipers aren't the end-all be-all of the game or no one would play any more. There's a reason snipers can't snipe drivers out of vehicles. If you're getting bogged down by snipers try to tech up quickly, diversify your army. The early game sniper wars may cause complications, but complications don't equal defeat. The meta could be in a much worse condition than it's in now.
The only reason this is a problem is because of how set into sniper spam the community is. I don't mean to sound like a dick, but that's really all there is to it. Next time you go to make a sniper to count an HMG, or an AT gun, try making a mortar. What'll the enemy's response be to your mortar bombarding his shit? Probably a sniper. So, what do you do? Make a scout unit, toss down some mines and wait for him. Now I haven't tested this out, I'm not a high-skill player so I wouldn't know how it works out in the almighty high meta, and this may seem like a big investment opposed to a sniper, but there are benefits to a mortar that aren't present in a sniper.
This turned into a rant real fast, and now it's done. I don't know what I'm talking about, I'm just a scrub. But I do know 1 thing:
if you don't like the meta - change it!