- Release: British Commonwealth and Italy
- First Expansion: USA and Germany or Westheer (depends on which one will be the
second axis nation expansion)
- Second Expansion: Soviet Union and Ostheer/Japan/Axis Nations (Hungary and Romania + Finland)
My wishes and considerations:
I wouldn't call a german faction as Afrika Korps just because it was a very small unit, in November 1942 it had only 5 divisions, I'd prefer to call it simply the German Army in the West or Westheer. Something as calling the Ostheer as Heersgruppe Mitte, it's a fraction of the whole Ostheer.
While accepting that gameplay>real life, for immersion to begin to work, I don't see the Japanese being introduced into COH3, if Relic are looking at North Africa/Meditteranean as the front. And much the same goes for SU. However, Relic could circumvent the SU issue, if they extend campaign into Austria.
The Free French Forces could be part of the American Army, while foreign units such as Poles and Greeks could be part of the British Commonwealth.
Agreed. Then it comes down to whether Relic continue with the current Commander system, or revert to COH1. Either way, it is doable. If Commanders, you simply sell Commanders from nations such as you list.
Surely Soviets must be in CoH3.
I don't see how, unless the campaign extends into Austria. Otherwise, immersion is reduced, as it has been to a degree in COH2.
As second Axis Army to me it's hard to prefer an Ostheer faction over Japan or another Axis Nation, the best in my opinion should be Italy + Germany + Japan.
See above.
CAMPAIGN: (Similar to CoH2 soviet campaign)
The story of a british soldier/officer from the battles in North Africa to the final days of war in Northern Italy........
I am afraid I disagree. I think it should either be a series of backdrops like COH1, or a dynamic map selection similar to the Ardennes Assault.
What scares me is that twice in a row Relic has made the Brits some horrible campy defence faction with emplacements and trenches. Can we get an actually well designed brits for once?
And so say all of us!
Drop the emplacements and BRACE.
Soviet Union, Relic must work on the mistakes. The second part was to be given to the Eastern Front, but we are again playing with the Americans and the Brits. I don't pay for the same Americans and Brits for the third time.
I propose the Budapest operation, which ends with the Balaton defensive operation. The USSR vs. Hungary + SS support. The USSR will have enough unused units for one or two factions. Hungary has almost everything for a full-fledged faction except for heavy tanks, the gap in heavy tanks will be filled with SS support.
If you were sent the same questionnaire that most of us received, it is likely to be North Africa and/or Southern France and/or Italy. But of course, it could be possible to extend slightly out of North Italy, or slightly East of Italy, but I suspect your wish for Eastern Europe could only be achieved for that, if the Campaign was split into extracts, like COH1. An interactive map similar to Ardennes Assault stretching from from southern France to Eastern Europe seems very ambitious. I can put it no higher than that.
I just wanna see Finland as an axis nation
But this time round, COH3 seems to be Mediterranean-based.
So I guess CoH3 is confirmed Mediterranean?
That is what the questionnaire seemed to suggest.
I personally think the Italians would be interesting if done right, but really, really bad/boring if not. They didn't have tanks really, so fancy infantry and team-weapon tactics is the best they are going to get without special commanders and what-not. Im interested to see how Relic plans to do them, because keeping historical accuracy would displease alot of armor junkies.
It is possible to mix and match the nations, surely? In COH1, there were Canadian Gunners with British infantry; and in COH2, there were the 'infamous' Ostruppen
mixed with Ostheer. From an immersive standpoint, we know the Wehrmacht backed up the Italians, so you could have German tanks with Italian infantry. In fact, the voice acting could be quite exquisite.
e.g. German Panzer Commander: "Those bloody Italians are retreating again", "Stand and fight" or "I'm going home to Mutti if this carries on". The Italian voice acting could be infinite.