tl;dr/ The Russians cannot pretend as if the depiction of historical fact is somehow Russophobic, while refusing to engage with their collective responsibility for Soviet History. Especially when the Germans are continually vilified 70 years on for crimes committed at the behest of a minority of Germans and when the German nation is completely up front in the treatment of their past.
Yess...but you have doubtless heard the phrase: "To the victor the spoils?" You might point to the Nuremburg War Tribunals as an example of that.
You mention the excoriation of the German nation: you do not deal with how the media in the West perpetuate this stuff: is it, for instance, the Jewish influence in the film industry?
Even 70 years on, as you mention, there is so much propaganda from all sides that still needs to be dismantled, in order to understand things in a better perspective. I'll give you a few:
More Dutch fought in the SS than were in the Underground- maybe many were of the Friesian tribe, which crosses borders (like the Kurds, if you will)
The USA seriously wanted to dismantle Germany and reduce it to an agrarian state(in the manner of 'the Killing Fields'), with a Jewish state by its side
The UK returned hundreds, if not thousands, of Cossacks to the Soviets, meaning almost certain death
The USA seized the German rocket team from Peenemunde, who eventually landed a man on the moon. No War Crime Tribunals there- even though they used slave labour, and the UK considered Peenemunde a HUGE threat to its existence viz: V1s and V2s
UK subs post-1945 followed the U-Boat design
US combat helmets nowadays could have been designed for the Wehrmacht
Motorways are now the norm
And the USA has colonies....
Sure, the Soviets were very bad......I doubt Eastern Europe will forget for a long time...but frankly, the Germans
at that time were in general terms, no better. And just as we should not hold current Germans responsible for the sins of their forebears, so also the same applies to the resident of the former Soviet Union.
glasnost, babe, (or ought to be)