From the answers I've received, I think it's safe to assume that it is generally not uncommon for Osttruppen to survive late into the game. My question was with their capabilities aside, whether or not they could survive long-term, which most seem to somewhat agree to an extent.
If I had to give my thoughts on Osttruppen, I'd have to say I never regarded Osttruppen as "reliable" most of the time. They are handy early game solely for good fodder for scouting and capping points. I generally go for the more defensive tactics when using Osttruppen (and I play multi-player games), digging up bunkers in the back to avoid infantry flank while propping MG and mortars in the middle to cover any other infantry assault. Osttruppen are allllll (note the extra l) the way in the front, to provide sight for the weapon crews. In the AT department,
That's the brief version of my thoughts on my Osttruppen playstyle. I'd love to hear from some more experienced players who can give me a much more aggressive playstyle.............
When the Ostruppen Commander first emerged, I was playing in an Ostheer 4 v 4 random, which we won - I noticed these amazing "Volk" performing feats which clearly assisted our victory,and afterwards on the replay, these little beasts seemed so potent, that I bought the Commander.
Playing them on 4v4
at that time was like commanding a swarm of wasps (cost was 0 CP and 120 MP from memory - which may be faulty) I would head straight down into the central fuel point of Steppes, and bite the incoming Pios to death, clicking more troops almost as soon as I had waypathed their predecessor.... but...the nerf bat was soon applied.
I cannot recall the tech applied by the Devs, but fairly quickly, the Ostruppen were relegated to support troops, bcs they could not kill proficiently, other than against support weapons, which you attempted to swarm. So you ended up - or rather, I ended up in 4v4 - building bunkers, which as any foule knowes, are highly vulnerable to Penals and Flame Engies. And truthfully, that was the end of my love affair with the Ostruppen, which is highly subjective, I accept.
I'd love to hear from some more experienced players who can give me a much more aggressive playstyle.
Now,if you want higher player replays for Ostruppen, I would suggest you keep half an eye open on Helping Hans' stream, bcs he flirted with them for far longer than I ever did, with much better results. But, I may be wrong, I think even he may have even dropped them now.