for me, coh1 has some design and gameplay flaws which made it completely unplayable for me:
3. Rep Bunkers: always funny to play against a sim city of about 10 rep bunkers + a bunch of pumas and tanks
2. Vehicle pushing: the mechanic of bike pushing guys to prevent capping, jeep pushing out of cover and the king of all: the m10 squishing grens and knights cross. really, it didnt really matter if you thought about laying traps or something. the m10 was always able to drive onto shreks and prevent a loss. abuse beats tactic
and # 1
really, this game was actually about having more snipers than your enemy. when you have more you win. that simple.
a unit which can insta kill, cloak has far sight and range...this comepletely breaks the whole gameplay.
the only counter was a countersnipe. a mechanic which was totally depending on luck.
bulshit! If COH2 does not have this - there's serous lack in gameplay - BOOORING.
theres a lots of ways to deal snipers beside countersnipe, jeep, bike, arty, caliope, mine, nade, bar shot - bilions.
Vehicle pushing and squishing is quite skillfull move - not everyone can perform it. You can very clearly see when its gona be successfull or not - so u can avoid it