So you're saying you're losing the ENTIRE game during the 1CP phase? If that's the case you blow. Build a MG and cover your guys. So the 2 CP shocktroops are unstoppable as well because they come out so early? 2cp is not much more, and I rather have shocks. ALSO germans get a 0 CP assault grenadier, as well as a mine counter quite quickly.. Partisans commander does not scale well to late game...which you can do ALL of the counters I mentioned after mid game.
Every minute makes the diference,positioning of your units makes the diference.
getting a granadier mg or a HMG42 getting killed and stolen, and getting pressured on the cut off, after a couple of minutes a t70 appers, followed by t76. GG
I'm am not saying is impossible to comeback, but playing from the bottom at the start of the game is very hard.