General Information
Register Time: 17 Feb 2013, 11:57 AM
Last Visit Time: 22 Oct 2018, 06:38 AM
Birthday: 1997-01-16
Residence: Australia
Nationality: Australia
Timezone: Australia/Brisbane
Game Name: Jackas4life
I don't have a replay, but use it when usually you're going to all in a tank E.G. Panther, Tiger, KT etc
Or you know when the enemy will be taking a few shots from multiple sources such as tanks and AT guns.
Since Mark target does 50% more damage it is really nice putting AT guns to 240 damage. With duel AT guns that's a whooping 480 damage (Panther has 800, 960 at vet 2)
So I like to use it to single out targets or make pushes against a single target. Don't do an all push if there is multiple targets. Just single them out like I said.
The GTX980 is amazeballs. I really wouldn't sweat the Ti thing.
There's very little about that setup that I wouldn't be extremely happy with. It would be an excellent VR machine if you got your hands on an Oculus Rift.
The only thing I would probably change myself is the SSHD. I'm more of a fan of discrete 512GB SSD for Windows/Games, HDD for other crap. But that's pure preference.
Personally would you go for a sound card? (Asus Xonar DGX Gaming PCI-E Sound Card) or just skip it? The PC will be mainly used for gaming and MAYBE light video production (Depends if I can get into it)
or just stick to the Integrated Sound for $60 less.
Mid-high end performance, my arse. That thing's a beast!
That CPU is definitely the best choice for gaming if you have the dosh. Pretty much no games use more than 4 cores, and that has the highest clock speeds available, plus overclocking.
Still can only run coh 2 on 30 FPS
But the amount of time I've been playing on a potato (Like they're potatoes, they're Russian potatoes, and then there is my potato) I thought I'd go for a fairly good set up.
But if you had an option, what would you change/go for? Personalty I'd love to go for a 980ti but yeah, that price point is way to much.
Cheers, I've done an updated version, not much of a difference
but more or less on feedback in here, I would love to go a 980ti but it's a tad bit out of my price range.
My single EVGA SC 970 runs the vast majority of games I play 60fps w/ high or ultra settings. The exceptions are some not so optimized indie games (Squad and Ark Survival ~45fps), open world sims (Arma/Kerbal), Fallout 4 (40fps in the graphically intensive parts of downtown otherwise smooth 60fps) and GTA5 (a few ugly stutters thanks to cpu bottleneck).
War Thunder, BF4, Battlefront, Rainbow 6 Siege, Wargame, Skyrim, Red Orchestra, and others run ultra at close at 100fps if I uncap the refresh rate. With 2 970s @ 1080p you will max out everything 60fps no prob unless you're playing something extremely CPU dependent (like Arma 3).
Cheers, I'm looking at the video card and I'm thinking of going a single card to reduce cost, but the second card is always nice. But thanks for the heads up.
Trust me the IL2 from dank hunters does. Best part is you can choice what direction it comes from. Tightrope did a stream a while ago where me and him both did it to an OST blob.
(I'm talking about the one that drops the million 1kg bombs)
Simple, takes a lot longer then normal abilities to come down and unlike normal abilities it's a one hit wounder (or miss) while other abilities keep going.
Also there is a ton of Soviet abilities that you can use in a base sector, for example the underused but powerful IL2 AT bomb strafe in the anti-tank commander
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