The comparison with other community managers isnt necessarily correct, as they werent very good either. Approachable, available on weekends, (posting SNF updates on Sundays) and organizing feedback(!) are not considered exceptional acts, but a given for a community manager. Interestingly, people judge the outcome of your measurements, not the measurements themselfs.
I dont need to personally know him to judge his performance for the given audience (the community, us, me). If 90% of his activities is virtually hidden from the community, its fair to say hes in the wrong job. Im sure he is a very nice guy to talk to, loves the same hamburgers as you, has a cute dog and cares about the game, but the results of his "labor" were very poor.
Now, its very clear that you know him very well, due to his involvement in SNF and this very website, but it clouds your judgement. At the same time, he shines in absence, thereby clearly failing to live up to your own measurements.
Less vocal does not mean they are without voice. It is time you stop making assumptions about my concerns, my knowledge about CoH1 and my activity within the community, but read about them instead. For me it is time to end this, before this (unwanted) debate gets out of control, as I seem to be steppping on to many toes here.
I sincerely congratiolate you all with obtaining a friend as the new CoH2 community manager!
I have no involvement in Friday Night Fights, recent tournaments, podcasts, or anything else, so how about I chime in. First, I'll disclose that I was the founding admin of the CoH portal, even if I only stuck around for a few months after it was launched. Since then (i.e. post GR) I've continued to maintain relationships with literally every CM that Relic has ever had, so I can say that I've known them all pretty well. I've also built and maintained equally strong relationships with CMs at most other publishers and studios, so I've got a lot of reference points to use for comparisons.
In my opinion each of Relic's CMs were top notch, but here's the thing about Lynx... he maintained the quality of the other Relic CMs, but on top of that he also brought other strong qualities to the table:
1. He's at the top of his game when it comes to supporting modern social media (i.e. Twitch, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc.) These are things that neither Buggo or Thunder had to deal with extensively.
2. He's never been afraid to stick his neck out, and interact with the community as if he's just one of the guys. Both Buggo and Thunder were much more reserved when it came to communicating with anyone but fansite staff, game journos, community leaders, etc. Lynx seemed to prefer to be out there in the trenches with you guys, which I personally feel is a great trait.
3. He made himself available to those that help manage sub communities (i.e. sites like this, and others that CMs typically interact with) pretty much 24/7. There are some CMs that only like to work business hours, trust me when I say that, I've known plenty.
4. He's a genuine fan of the game, as in someone that actually loves to play CoH, and games in general. I couldn't say that with confidence about Buggo, not that it made her a bad CM, but she certainly wasn't a master of RTS.
Not to name names, but there are some CMs in the game industry that couldn't hold a candle to
any of the CMs that Relic has had over the past 6 or so years. From Allie, to Graham, to Bobby, both Relic and the Relic community has been extremely lucky. The fact that you want to tear Lynx apart makes no sense to me, he did a fantastic job. Part of me thinks that there's something deeper in you that's clouding your judgement, as if you're projecting anger, jealousy, or whatever else. There's nothing that I can see that's logical when it comes to your complaint(s) and/or criticism of him.