Rifle would be my choice for Close combat/smaller maps, Infantry for longer range maps, Airborne is so good that you could use that pretty much every game anyway.
But my opinion is based on my terrible newbie play
Is there a 'list' or 'document' or some other type of resource that can help someone learn unit counters or is it more or less common sense?
For example: I know that if there is a sniper then my best bet is to use a scout car (or the equivalent for all teams) to counter it. But lets say the enemy team is hunkered down with at guns and mgs; is the answer mortars? Is it snipers? is it a combination of both? Is it none of those and just flanking tactics? or is it all of the above?
While writing this I'm thinking that there are no particular hard counters but more of a fluid thought process of what your army lacks and what units combined will compliment each other the most but I'm just curious how you guys decide what units you need and in what situations?!
This stems from a 2v2 game I played where we tunnel visioned our builds (infantry --> tanks) and completely forgot AT guns.... Looking back now I wonder why we did that! It was the obvious reason why we lost! Muppet.
I'll watch the replay, and add input only if you want or still need me to OP.
Thanks for the offer Cookie, but I wouldn't waste your time as I've taken all this information on board (I have a diagram next to me written out detailing what I should do in a certain situation).
However I've lost countless games since this game even though I feel my gameplay and game knowledge has improved drastically... Either I'm over thinking it all -OR- I haven't improved as much as I thought. Either way the best thing to do is keep playing. What annoys me though is I played a handful of games as soviets and won, but I feel I played 'better' in my USF games but still lost; but like I said: its practice.
COH2.org community is awesome (and mature), thanks for all the tips guys, maybe they will help others out too
Airborn to skip T1 is ok if you have a really good micro. You can't have more than 1 para in 1vs1, they are too expensive. Airborn is better to skip T3, in fact to drop an ATgun if required.
Thank you, regarding your point above, did you mean skipping T2 (AT guns etc) or actually skip armour completely from T3?
Just thought I'd say - I've learnt so much from just this thread alone, guys you are amazing! Thank you!
No problem. I know the feeling your talking about: dominating the map early game, but knowing an armored counter attack is coming, and feeling powerless to prevent it...it sucks lol.
I would highly recommend Airborne btw. Cookiez strategy is very effective, but going T1-T3 is classic and very powerful if you seize the map early on with your super solid Rifle play.
Yer I struggle with Airborne, even though I know its got a lot more potential than other commanders due to the call ins allowing you to skip T2; its knowing if and when to use PFs + Paras, also is it best to get a HMG dropped in or buy the .50 cal?
I have watch the half, until you finally lose control.
1- Really early you see his BO, 2xpio + 2xMGs + 2xMortar. He only has capacity to stand, not to push. And you don't take this parameter in account in your BO.
Imo, you first wrong decision is your M20. he has 2 Mgs in 2 houses covering eahc other, 2 mortars, you also see his bunker and you build a m20, completely useless vs them. You have both fuel points by that time so you must invest in something having more impact. In your situation, I would have build a half-track to push, put him under pressure. He would have been forced to build pak to counter you or to have a vetted MG.
2nd wrong decision, after your M20, and in the optic of your BO was to go T2. You still dominate him but you build a tier that doesn't help you at all to push him.
T1 + Zook is enough, the only threat would have been a 251 or other mechanized unit since an early T3 is difficult: he doesn't have the fuel.
He is starting to blob and you have nothing to counter him, that a problem with USF. (but what else can you expect from a Chinese player)
If you had gone T3 and an early sherman HE shell or a Scott, he would have been more in trouble.
He went double Puma, which would have counter you somewhat, up to you to micro your sherman and equip more zook.
This is why I say an early half-track would have probably been the game changer, with that you could have push him out of the map. Build a cache and fast sherman.
Thank you so much for watching my review and providing feedback, I really appreciate the time commitment
Being relatively new to the game and even newer to USF I've been following a cookie cutter BO and not paid too much attention to what he was building, I think someone with expertise like yourself pointing this out makes me more comfortable to adapt my build order. The problem I have is when to upgrade Zooks and/or grenades, things like that.
I found I was also just waiting for my Easy 8s rather than teching 1 + 3. This is my preferred commander but I can see the benefits of Airborne, especially in a game like this.
So i believe this lost stems from me not adapting my BO and not being aggressive enough.
Thank you again for your feedback, it helps a great deal
Think of playing as USF as being the attackers. You can't sit on what you have and win. General guidelines:
-don't be afraid of Axis tanks. Also, don't rely on 57mm AT guns to fight tanks. Only light vehicles.
-never stop taking territory and killing the enemy. If you hit a brick wall, try smoke a and attack from multiple angles.
-USF light vehicles are very potent. Try a Stuart or AA track and blitz the enemy before they get adequate AT. If you have good micro you can deal damage.
-Think of attacking as USF as hit and run. You go in fast, do more damage to the enemy, and then retreat and repair your tanks.
-You need recon to detect enemy strong points as USF. Get a Stuart or M20 alive to vet 1, and preserve it. It can than scout the enemy. If not those, use Pathfinders.
Now tactical tips:
Pak guns: smoke invalidates them completely. From there they are prime for flanks. ALWAYs smoke Pak guns before you start a skirmish.
PzIV: Jackson and bazooka armed troops. Keep Jackson far away and flank at a wide angle while bazooka troops tank.
MG42: this takes practice. Smoke nades, flanking, and the Captains rally ability can break through.
To sum it up, you have to be very aggressive but intelligent. Never sit on your but, keep everything in your army mobile. (No support weapons! Keep moving, capping, harassing, etc.) and USE SMOKE at all times.
Also, watch replays of really good players.
Thank you for these tips! I've written them down so that I can constantly refer to them in game until I know them off by heart. These are little gems as I didn't know/think about the majority of these!
Before I begin, I do win games, but the majority of the losses I have start out as 'wins' but end up me being crushed even though I have (had) a strong advantage.
Take my last game for example; I managed to cap all three stars, as well as owning 3/4 of the map - I had my soldiers, at guns etc controlling mid, keeping them at bay, while we played cat and mouse with the other two points. I was winning and it 'felt' like it, but eventually he started probing with medium armour and blobs of soldiers, managing to cause some pain. I didn't want to over extend so I pulled everything back to regroup and fight on my terms therefore I lost territory, when we did fight it was definitely a struggle to see who was a clear victor. Not wanting to overextend I couldn't push out to figure out where his forces were, eventually I did but after a few skirmishes I had lost majority of my forces, and I thought he had too. So I pushed up mid, hoping to catch out any stragglers with 2x Easy 8s and a squad of RM, to my despair he charged round the corner with a tank, I chased him down round the corner and there was 4-5 squads of his ready to go.... I understand at that moment I had overextended and it was game over, but I don't understand what I did wrong for events to lead up to this.
I've noticed early-mid game I'm quite aggressive, but then I turn more defensive.... the fear of Axis tanks is the cause... I think!
As USF I'm really struggling in the mid game, once I have an advantage, is there certain objectives I can do? Or ways to set up my army or patrols that will allow me to wreck havoc until its a sure victory?
I would like to mention that when I first played this game when it was just Soviets vs Axis, I never had these momentum problems and actually found the game easy. After a long long break of over a year I've discovered my love for USF but the game or this faction is a lot harder...
I can post a replay if that would help?
EDIT: I've realised I may have posted this in the wrong section - sorry!
EDIT 2: Using my initiative; I've added my replay.