i started playing this game when it was on sale, around christmas. Played a some games against cpu, played some games with other players vs. cpu, mostly to just get a clue what to build and to learn a bit about the maps. I had real fun doing this, experimented with all factions, tried some ToW and so on.
A few weeks ago I started playing 1vs1 matches ( ranked match), lost some , won some, all games seemed to me kind of balanced. On average those games lasted 35-45 minutes.
So far my experience with the matchmaking and ranked matches was pretty much the same I had a few years ago with coh1.
Well, that experience is gone now. The last 12 or more matches were totaly different...
I admit losing is never an enjoyable experience, but thats ok for me as long as the game is fun or atleast the players are on a certain range of the same skill-level .
OK. So I lost approximately a dozen matches, in a row, not funny or motivating , but ok I can deal with that.
What I cant realy understand is: I was matched up with players that realy were way above my skill-level . I watched some of the games as replay and those matches were decided in 10 -15 minutes.
Yes, i got wrecked. No chance to win against those guys. Those games must have been realy boring to them.
Until the last match i played today, I thought "hey it will get better, it cant be that bad..."
My last match was against a dude who had his level maxed out, it was on langreskaya and it took him 5 minutes to show me I am in the wrong match.
So this made me register here and ask 1 Question:
Is there something wrong with the matchmaking?
When i watch livegames from the 2nd or 3rd page, I see players who play terrible, just as I do.... But the seriously strange matchmaking decides to put me into games against top-players...
Were is the logic in that? it´s not fun to them ( or maybe it is?) and it sure isn´t fun to me.
The text above is just copied from my original thread at the official forums.
I uploaded this replay not to cry about the player or the balance of the game.
This is just to show that ( atleast for me ) the matchmaking seems to be kind of broken.
I am still a real newbie in this game and get constantly matched like this...
![Honor icon](/images/replay/honor_icon.png)