The issue with KT wasn't about the strong frontal armor, it's more about map designs and game mechanics. Maps are very restricted and maneuvering vehicles is a pain. And vehicles go backward as fast as they go forward. |
I think we need Pz-III and Pz-I commanders with early game support for Ost instead of all late game oriented commanders. |
PTRS should be a semi-automatic rifle with the old accuracy. Guards should have 1 PTRS instead of 2 and the conscript one should cost like 80 munitions. That way it will be used in its intended role, light vehicle counter. Also demo charge should always be visible, you are planting it above the ground for God's sake. And the call in tanks should be included in teching just as OKW. |
But a big problem with your design of OKW is that 3 men squads are even more likely to vanish in one shell than anything else we have atm...
(Redesign of factions i would like, but I cant find myself seeing Relic fixing outdated and faulty design, especially when they cant do it right the first time, and then the second time, and then most likely the third time...)
You are probably right. But maybe in the future they make an only multiplayer dlc, where they reform the factions. |
Ma boy "At a conference in Tehran (28 November - 1 December 1943), agreement was reached between Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin on postwar fate of Germany. At this time, have become widely known crimes of the Nazis, and public opinion throughout the world to identify the beginning of ordinary Germans with the Nazis. Requirements for Germany much tougher. Contrary to the original intention of Churchill to open a second front in the Balkans, was elected to the Normandy invasion [7] (p.168)
January 14, 1943, Churchill and Roosevelt articulated the demand for unconditional surrender of Germany and the Yalta Conference (February 4 - February 11, 1945), the Allies agreed on the establishment of new borders in Europe and Germany already under these conditions."
So if you want to compare do it and compare with Soviet forces amount/numbers, professionalism, types and quality of weapons and resources available In 1944.
May be Germany could withstand against USF for some time (if Soviets would disappeared somehow) but not too long Uncle Sam could increadsed number of USF trooops every month.
Later Soviet forces just steamrolled over Japaness army during 6 dayes.
All those cool devises that you mentioned above were presented in such a meager amount that couldn't influence on anything
What I am trying to say there is no reason to be historical Good example of good game Return to castle wolfenstein
I have no idea what you are trying to say. This has nothing to do with equipment they have or their military technology. I'm not saying they were great and 'surprisingly' managed to lose. I'm not discussing which side lost. I'm just trying to suggest original faction designs. |
1) man. Germany had nothing. They were losing the war. No superior weapons or training for soldiers or fuel or steel. nothing. Kids were recruited into army.
So what you offer is just your personal view how faction should be designed.
2) Relic will never redo their game.
You are talking about 1945, not 1944. In 1944 every forth infantry had an automatic weapon. They had some great tanks. They had Jet Engine aircraft, V1-V2 rockets. We also need to balance the game mate. And The game doesn't need to be reprogrammed, just change the gameplay. |
I think all the game needs is 'redesigned' factions. There are two different German factions now, one of them should be EARLY Wehrmacht army. It should have nice air power and blitzkrieg tactics, Just as in the history. Fallschirmjaegers with actual paradrop system, Panzer III and IIs, MG-34s (not 42), Flak-88s, 5 men grenadier squads etc.
You know why the game has so many useless units? Because developers tried to put too many units from different times of the war. If you have Panzer IVs with anti-tank guns, why would you need a Stug? Why T-34 is a bad choice after Germans start to get their own mediums? Why the game is not that much about constant pressure but waiting for call ins? These are all can be fixed by just redefining the factions. So here it goes:
- Wehrmacht: 1939-1943 German Army. Has 5 people Grenadier squad with Kar-98s and 4 people Panzer grenadier squad with MP-40s. STG-44 is an upgrade for P.Grens. G-43 for Grenadiers in mid tech. Grenadiers have either A cheap sdkfz-250 should be in the faction, to make fast pushes and flank maneuvers with Panzer Grenadiers.It has Pak 38 in early tech, a fast deploying light AT gun, which can easily keep up with the army. Pak 40s come with better teching. They should be the fastest faction to field tanks, with Stugs and Panzer-IIIs and Marders. Panzer IV comes with infantry support gun first, with a universal upgrade it gets 75mm AT gun. Panther and Tiger are call-ins in separate commanders.
- Soviets: A very tech heavy faction. It spans from 1941 to 1945, so you should unlock later eras. No light car at first. Can field numerous infantry, but very weak also. Maxim gun is like 60 kg, it should deploy slower than both mg-34 and 42. It has early tank BT-7, which is more like an armored car with very weak armor. T-34 should come later, and because of the two-man turret, the reaction time of it should be cranky. But we should feel the strength of its sloped armor and adequate AT gun. SU-85 no longer has 'focused range' and comes later in teching. It needs vision to use its range. But it should have %80 chance to penetrate Tiger I's front from mid range. From very late universal upgrade tech, you get to produce T-34/85s. The infantry also changes by teching, so you don't feel obliged to rely on call-ins. No 2 men snipers, but cheaper snipers than the German counter part.
- OKW: 1943-1945 German army. Basic infantry is 4 people Volks squad, with early teching they get either one Panzer Schreck or one lmg-42 or 2 STG 44s. lmg-42 can't be fired while moving. STG-44 is not SMG, they should fire in short bursts so it would be very good in mid range and good in long range. Ober squads are 3 men squads with 3 STG 44s, and has very good camouflage ratings. They can hide from vehicles for small durations. Effective in every range. 3 men sturm pioneers with better medium range fire-power. And they should be able to put down mines in 2x speed. They should have more and variety of mines, with more effectiveness. The faction should have superior tanks in many ways, Panthers shouldn't be as expensive but has more population cap. Panther was a very cost effective machine. It should also have very weak rear armor but very good front armor as in the game. The OKW trucks 'bonuses' should be purchasable. So when you go tier II, you can decide if you want medic station or Flak etc. This faction should have MG-42 as well as very good defense emplacements, Flaks(with 4 men) and Pak-43s and more importantly, concrete bunkers. So this faction will be powerful but more defensive than the other factions. It WON'T have 6 men 5 men squads, come on people it's late time Germany. They must be numerically inferior with superior weapons.
- USF: This faction is very interesting, but light armor superiority should be on Wehrmacht's side, not USF. No armored skirts for armored cars. And wheels should have bad performance on off-road. But what really bugs me about this faction is lack of air superiority. They should have a lot of strafe abilities from either Major or Buildings. Just as wehrmacht, they have 76mm gun upgrade in late tech. But someone should help me with this faction, I don't have a good idea about them.
The Teching should be mandatory, no 'building' teching but also 'era' taking. Wehrmacht has the best teching system right now, now imagine that mixed with 'general increase in technology'. I feel like with Soviets and U.S. you decide between 'AT or AI?'. It shouldn't be like that. That is a very macro heavy gameplay. We all play this game for micro and pretty explosions. And please, REDUCE THE REVERSE SPEED FOR ALL VEHICLES. If people are interested I can write more about this in a different post. Tell me what you think and what can be improved. Also tell me if you think this idea sucks or impossible so I won't bother with it. I don't think it's impossible though; no game mechanics change is needed, just maybe very few models and tweaks. Thank you.
There seems to be a lot of people theory crafting but not many people playing.
Anyone I can add to play some games with?
I'll add you mate. But my skills are not that great  |
I think Guards should have only 1 PTRS with rate of fire increase, so we will get the 'semi-auto' feeling. Also 50 caliber machine guns should be different from normal rifle caliber machine guns. They should have increased armor penetration. Suppression bonuses you gave make it exactly like 30 caliber machine guns. I think removing DSHK armor piercing rounds and making it fire armor piercing all the time is more suitable. And more historic. U.S. 50cal can receive similar adjustments. What do you guys think? |
shouldn't APCR be like - increased penetration in overall, no penalty for range (pen same at all ranges), same reload and lower damage? 
No, APCR loses penetrating power with rang, just like regular AP ammunition. It should have higher penetration overall and less damage. Historically I mean.
Cruzz, this is amazing. Very well done mate, thanks. |