1,686 sales per average player increase vs. 40 players per average player increase is a massive difference - if CoH2 had that rate, it would have 103,100 average daily players right now and be the third-most-popular game on Steam - and it shows that CSGO is much better at retaining its sales as active players than CoH2 is. The reason for that is no doubt complex and not easily summarized, but it's still an interesting fact to consider.
It is interesting and it would be cool to know why. I guess because coh require higher specs and I'm pretty positive alot of the people who bought it realised just afterwards that they couldn't actually play it with their computer. Also, coh is complex and has a Learning curve. CSGO is an instant headshot-gratification no-brain small sized FPS game. And we know people like first person shooters. Like Losttruppen writes:
These games take a substantial amount of trial and error to find out the nuances and techniques that are required to gain competency and confidence in your play. Your average gamer is not going to jump into multiplayer and suffer harsh losses and still have the desire to sit through 20-40minutes of games and replays, or go online to read about how to improve on their mistakes.
I DON'T Believe they didn't play (aka "left") because "omg where is US Heavy tank!?". People knowing stuff discussed on these boards, even finding their way here, are deeply invested in the game, and most gamers aren't. We are the fanatics and our frustrations are likely not felt by most others, because they haven't played enough to notice.