vcoh wehrmatch players are now doing this anti british strategy which is broken as fk
_spam alot of pioneer to feed the medic bunker
_lots of pioneer still can overwelm 2 early infantry squads (upgrade with flamer)
_pioneer can be max levelled in early game
_the more i kill pioneer the more they get free grenadier
_get the halftrack which can supress infantry and high damage
commandos or churchill are useless because they are uncheap
stuart still got nailed by schreck-gren
_call in the stuh = game over
so anybody (pro brit) know how to deal with this ??
It's easy to kill this start on that patch. pio spamm was very common in 2.601. Now the veterancy for pio has changed. And the pio are easy killed even with vet2. They are strong at vet3 but the fuel cost is too high and vet3 is long to get. You can rush it in 20-25 minutes i'd say.
So basically, the counter is to cut you of on your strategic point and wait there. You don't want medic bunker with such a low-support army as any guy with common sens would kill the medics.
If you vet the pios very early (as the 2.601 pio spam suggest), you won't have enough fuel to tech to anything fast enough for any kind of counter. In other words, if you pop your HT while the Stuart just arrived, that's too bad for you.