Then why the FUCK!
Are u pretending that a 4 rifle and 3 para strat is normall?
I'm not, jesus christ queen stop.
Can we go back into MG42 ? |
You do not possess the powers of foresight, any more than all of us do. Please desist from this line of attack, based as it is, on pure supposition. 
Idk when a person who has worked with Relic and is currently doing so says "Don't get excited" I tend to take them at their word.
I hold no special hate for Relic or anything, but people are treating/hyping this patch when it really is just going to be like any other, having it's upside and it's downsides.
We can only hope the ups outweigh the downs, but it's not going to be some magically thing that fixes everything. |
Ever heard of howitzers? Be they on tanks or field towed?
Or even more than that, the standard issue APCR rounds for british 6pdrs?
Or even better than that (though we do reach for 1944) for APDS rounds that were issued to the same old 6pdr?
We already have the britsh 6pdr in game, it's the american AT gun with the munitions ability permenently on.
Ew, no.
The axis fractions already have more versatility in teching progression than the soviets (and to a certain extent americans) can dream of. If you want to expand the standard roster, you have to do it to both sides, or one of them is going to get an un-accounted for buff in versatility and teching burden that their counterparts will not.
Introducing a new allied faction with a standard roster is not an equivalent balance to your opponents suddenly have an extra half dozen units they can call on in any match. Your opponent can still only bring one army, after all, which now has to face off against one with much more flexibility (and frankly, the axis don't need any more advantage in flexability without commander ties)
Which is why I said filling holes in unit lists, rather than adding a massive amount of units. Putting new commanders in the game for Axis + a new stock unit here or there while allies get a new faction seems to be somewhat fine, but as said earlier a interesting idea would be to be able to replace units in your roster similar to VoH.
Replace PII with PIII, replace 221 with radio car, replace Panther with Jadgpanther, ect. |
Certain factions should obviously be more easier to get into, but that means dealing in buff units not nerfing them. |
The problem arrives when a faction has more strenghts than others. Theres also a problem when there is a huge gap between skill needed + performance and when the skill floor to use a faction is so high in comparison to another which is so slow.
Hence my comment that the WFA ones are really good at what they do and really shit at what they don't. It's piss easy for a OKW/USF player to blob up a large amount of infantry and sweep the map wiping everything out, but that won't work versus an intelligent player at all.
Maxim spam can ruin OKW, heavies mess up USF, ect.
At high skill levels every faction is fairly hard to play, Ostheer maybe being a bit more. |
Well it's also not going to make the game get 100 FPS on a Tandy, get the game 50,000 players a day or give people million dollar purse esports events; but people will complain if it doesn't do all of that and more
I don't know why your being so sarcastic, the patch will probably be disappointing and people will (rightfully) complain about it.
This is Relic we are talking about here. |
Doesnt matter
Based on the fact that u keep making increasingly ignorant comment proves you havent touched 1v1's
Mods, plz lock this thread
I have self admittedly never touched ones good thing this thread isn't only about those. |
There is nothing that says what is in the patch
You are only assuming it will be balance
It could well be bug fixes only
We can at least guess from the statements they have made about map making and whatnot. They also have been very coy about discussing what comes after the patch either. |
DONT bulshit.
U said 2-3 paras plus 4 rifles happens often
Im here to clean ur bullshit up. U are lying
Post a replay where you where able to bet 4 rifles with 3 paras out and still win without beeding
U cant
Because you are a liar
I said it's not that rare to be able to get 4 rifles and some para's not that it happened every game.
not rare =/= happens often.
NO SUPPORT WEAPONS. So in a 1v1, you do a airborne company build, and you come across a lull where the ost player pushes you back and manages to tech T3, and a p4 is imminent.
You've spent most of your mp on AI, and since you don't believe in American support weapons, since theye like OKW and have shrieks and obers to fill this void.
You have nothing but at rife nades to stop this p4, since no MP for 57mm, and buying enough zooks means no m1919s.
P4 comes. You lose.
The "no support" weapons has to do with USF not having a mortar and the 75 howitzer being a fairly wishy washy unit when it comes to performance. As well as the fact you have no basic infantry other than the Riflemen to start. There is no equivalent to the sniper for USF, nor is there anything similar to the mobile rocket trucks or emplacement artillery.
USF has AT guns, yes, and you can use them yes. I don't see what you are trying to say here? |
It might be interesting if Relic allowed the Axis factions to substitute units for alternates via a system similar to ToV in vCoH. Just increasing the pool of units the those factions could produce without substituting out other units is a recipe for imbalance.
Adding a unit here or there wouldn't cause an issue if we are talking just filling holes in the unit roster like putting in more support weapons but your idea is pretty interesting. |