Why would anyone spend 120 muni for shrecks early game when you can use fausts to counter those M3s?
Also: It could be unlocked after 2 trucks have been converted.
If you haven't I would suggest a look at the Sturmpio vet bonus's because that + 2 shreks = fun times for Allied players.
The fundamental issue for OKW vis a vis shreks is that they are a crutch because OKW lacks plentiful mobile AT. The Rackten is the least durable AT gun with less pen than a ZiS.
This doesn't even touch on how boring just making Volks gren's 2.0 with an AI upgrade + fausts would be. |
I've done it plenty of times. With Puma's range and agility you don't really have to worry. Keep your distance, don't over extend and have your infantry close as well.
Making a light vehicle to fight a doctrine literally hand built to counter light vehicles
Your Puma won't be doing much since it only has 10 more range than a PTRS does. |
I agree. Volks shouldn't have shrecks.
Just give them Pzfausts. Sturmpios can then have double shrecks just like PGrens.
Well say goodbye to Allied early game power now that the ability to counter anything and everything with snare + shrek would come at the start of the game.
What's with people suggesting OKW needs a nerf and then offering a solution that would be a buff? |
Not really sure what you are on about it here.
I do sometimes play with mechanized doctrine for command tank and arty combo for variety(can't play same doctrine too long, thats why I'm against stale meta), mainly on semoisky, so I'm fully aware of ost arty performance as contrary to 90% of axis fanboys here on this board, I actually use it.
Soviet meta doctrines have no off map that would post any threat to static arty, you specifically need to go for ISU doctrines for that.
USF stand a bit better, but they got only a single doctrine able to reckon and arty the howi, but since its mechanized, its not really popular at all.
Meanwhile 90% of ost players have CAS doctrine equipped. Remaining 10% use the good old jeager armor with ele, recon and stuka dive which invalidates any attempts of allied arty play.
My biggest gripe with arty is the long cooldown, which ensures low cost efficiency of both, ML-20 and leIH compared to say stuka zu fuss, which is more accessible, more survivable(being mobile) and more deadly thanks to precision striking everything every time.
Talking about 2v2 here.
Both the ISU commanders are in the meta now thanks to the Guards PTRS buff. Mark target + ISU is extremely good. And if your talking about 2's a USF player can just recon run the artillery piece and hit it with time on target, mechanized artillery, ect.
Really all the howitzers in the game should be mobile, the regular ones just slowly so the Priest maintains it's advantage. |
OKW T1 and T2 are equal with power and versatility, USF T1 and T2 are not, simple curve like that doesn't show the tier strength.
That as well isn't accurate power curve of tiers.
Soviets T1 and T2 have "power level" about T1,5 to T2,5 While T3 and T4 are both T3 level and this is where the curve stops while it goes further up for ost T4.
Just to point out these basic flaws. And I don't care who made the curves, mistakes are mistakes.
Your missing the point. The graphs are to show you that the teching makes no sense because as Soviets you get to your late game units after your very first tier, and as USF/OKW you get to your late game units after your very first tier.
It's not about power relative to each other, it's power relative to what the end goal is. I just decrease the power of USF to 4 so the lines in the first graph didn't overlap. But the non-linear teching simply doesn't make sense because a USF player doesn't want to back tech when those units are already obsolete, and the OKW player will normally only do so to get a KT out.
Ostheer is the only one that makes sense because your units get more powerful in a logical slope upwards, rather than you jumping from your very first units to your very last.
I think 3 v 3 and 4 v 4 would be more fun with limit of 1 heavy tank per player. I really want to see more Medium armor play. I think fuel caches helps Allies more than Axis, just get rid of this Luftwaffe fuel drop for OKW. The supplies should only be for the Wehrmacht player.
Extended Mid game would be great if we can do this some how.
Honestly, we cannot get rid of Call ins in COH2. Soviets are reliant on this 100%, even Relic admitted this.
This would be such an insanely huge nerf for Soviets lol. You never normally get more than 1 KT, Jadgtiger, or Elefant. You ALWAYS get more than 1 IS2/ISU. |
I don't really think SU-85 need any love.
It demands correct play style but other than that the unit is fine. With some Vet it can take on heavy tanks with the exception of Elephant and OKW equivalent (never used this one so don't remember the name).
Have you seriously never used the Jadgtiger before? Jesus man. |
Makes me wonder if their QAs are competent at all given all the obvious crap we had to deal with every patch.
Maybe I will lend them one of my QAs? Only three work under me, but they do the shit right 
It's not a question if they have good QA's or bad ones, they simply don't have them. |
Please go check the DPS of Grens and Cons. Youll see that Grens are designed to DPS down 6 models as quick as Scripts are meant to DPS down 4. Thus its the same. Same amount of time to kill async balance. This was an intentional change in the first March deployment for just this type of situation.
Please tell me how .5 less AOE is the same as the 120MM lol. Your argument is blatantly wrong.
300% less ROF is a huge magnitude less. For example to dislodge units from cover or a turtle to get the same Performance of one Ost Mortar the Soviet player must build 3. That is ALOT worse Prec strike or no Prec strike.
Which is why you WILL see Ost Mortars ALOT MORE OFTEN then youll see a Soviet Mortar that isnt the 120MM.
The proof is in the pudding. If having Prec Strike on the standard mortar was as great as folks make it out to be you would see more of them.
I do see a lot of them, I use a lot of them. .5 AoE less than the highest AoE mortar in the game is fairly good! Especially considering the current bunching mechanics making 1 shots a lot easier to pull off, especially with AT guns and Mortars which always need at least 2 crewmen to use them.
I'm not talking about grens and con's dude, I'm talking about the support weapons. The Soviet ones are more durable by design thanks to all support weapons having 25% more received accuracy, but soviets are unique in the 6 crewmen aspect.
Yes the Soviet mortar fires less often, but when your a magnitude more accurate then you need to fire less shots to hit your target. I think your also forgetting that Axis in general is more campy, which makes the accuracy of the Soviet mortar important because you need it to dislodge enemy bunkers, machine gun nests, and trucks. |
What if instead of limiting the resource cap as you say and thus limiting gameplay, making cashes both more expensive, and nerf their income. This way, player should decide if they want to sacrifice significant amount of MP for a little bit fuel income, or they want to call in more units. Something like 250 for a cache which generates 30% less resources than normal.
IpKaiFung pointed out a very important issue, maps are very big and you can't afford to fall back. That's why I usually play OKW or USF, for the sake of forward retreat point.
Is it possible to assign some a certain capture point as a retreat point for the team which is holding it? Something like Medic or Repair points in ToW. Not very close to frontline, but also not deep inside the base. Might be problematic to balance though.
I don't know why they got rid of it but points that allow you to bring in infantry/tanks closer to the front once you capture them was a really cool idea. Just allow Ost and Soviets to utilize points like that so while they don't have forward retreat points they can call in units closer to the front than OKW and USF can.
Making caches more expensive and less effective won't stop them from being spammed, just putting a limit on the amount per player would encourage teams to coordinate more than just having a designated spammer. Not to mention it would hurt Allies more than Axis if you just increased the MP amount and reduced the income.
Think about it; if you have the normal set up of 2 OKW and 2 Ost in a 4's game you can only then get 2 fuel caches if you capped them, making them more expensive but give only 30% less than normal would give the OKW player more fuel not less.
You guys need to stop living in the vanilla COH2 days. Prec strike cannot whipe full health support weapons since the last nerf to it. It used to use the 120mm AOE which is why you'll never see them in 1v1 anymore. You will see the 120 however. Since the infantry rebalance, support weapon incoming accuracy they can be whiped out just as fast as Soviets can whipe 4 man squads. The extra entities only come in handy vs HE. With having over 300% slower reload it is worse then Osts in every way. Having 30% more models doesn't make up for that piss poor reload.
All the support weapon teams regardless of model amounts gets 25% more incoming accuracy, which means a Ost mortar always dies faster than a Soviet mortar and MG42 dies faster than a Maxim does.
The reload isn't that bad since you don't need to pick up and move nearly as much due to the added range and accuracy of it. The precision strike can almost always kill and decrew an enemy Ost mortar or an AT guns.
And your blatantly wrong about the AoE on it, it only has .5 less AoE on the precision strike than the 120 does.
EDIT: This is yet again another instance of people hyping up the power of Axis weapons over Allied ones. Both the small mortars are good and worth the investment, the 120 is great, both the Mortar HT's are good. Mortars are one of the few things in this game Relic did very well. |