The REASON the Sturmtiger isnt used very often s because its a gimmick. Y get one when u can get a panther?
Stuka does its job better anyway
baby sit a sturmtiger? u joking? Fire it. retreat, reload. Very simple
It's not gimmicky at all. It can 1 shot most medium armor, give tanks permanent engine damage, turn entire blobs to ash, fire through shot blockers.
The Panther isn't always the answer, I recently had a game were the Sturmtiger preformed excellent and helped us win the game, something that any other tank wouldn't have been able to do.
You do need to baby sit a Sturmtiger, it's slow so you need to predict enemy pushes, it's easy to pen which means you need to figure out if you can kill his AT before he does to much damage to you. You need to ensure it retreats to a safe position to reload and protect it.
You need to go through more steps to get it to preform then you do with any other unit in the game.