It's just shit versus tanks that can just kill you like the PIV, but Panthers can't really fight back. Also if your using it on things at the very edge of it's range then your doing it wrong.
Button is great for killing heavy tanks, piss poor for killing lighter mobile tanks. But then that's the intended design of it so... |
guards + button + ISU + marked target + IL2 insta-rape strike

I haven't had the best luck lately with the stumrtiger due to this commander
it not only rapes the sturmtiger, it hard counters the entire okw design
The ISU has piss poor DPS, meaning using it to hit a Sturmtiger is typically a waste of time. The best counter to the Sturmtiger is massed cheap anti armor like medium tanks, not slow firing units. Which is why the Jackson is a poor counter to it as well.
A better counter is T34/85's, but even then if your Sturmtiger is supported you can deal with them. |
I got a Sturmtiger to complement a Panther recently, and it was very, very effective. This thing is a beast but not easily affordable in a 1v1 scenario.
Yeah I find it works best in 2's. |
People ITT seriously throwing out the puppetmaster defense for the leak lol |
please bear in mind the maps. when 3's + start to resemble dota lanes, meta-counters like flanking are negated and thusly defensive factions gain an edge.
This is the largest part of the issue IMO, maps for 3's and 4's are often times just terrible. |
Time for some info:
-Assault Guards use 4 PPSH and 2 SVT
-It seems they use the Shock PPSH (Guard Troop assault package > shock troops_ppsh-41_sub_machine_gun_mp)
-They reinforce for 27, i think equally to normal Guards (330/12)
Conscripts are cheaper, can merge into other units, hoorah and are a snare platform. Nobody will sacrifice their Guards because they are useless popcap. The point is, no one call them in for what they are, just because it comes included with the M5.
I'm pretty sure people got tired of "trying" new things like a couple of months ago. People will go for the route of less resistance. Not everyone likes handicapping themselves.
Again, it's pretty obvious why they are not meta, but that doesn't mean it's a bad commander at all.
A "non-meta" commander can often times surprise the hell out of an opponent that's used to countering cookie cutter fun times. This in my experience is the power of the Sturmtiger; nobody ever expects it and when it hits the field it often causes people to freak the fuck out and all concentrate on it leaving the rest of your forces free reign on the battlefield.
Considering the fact the M4C is bar none the best generalist medium in the game by a long shot I would call Lend Lease anything but a just "not-bad" commander. It plays into call in meta perfectly, giving you all the tools you need to avoid teching. Just go T1+T2 and have fun. |
No, they don't.
There is a reason no one ever said "oh wow! 5CP at last! I'm going to get me some assault guards!"
instead its always "nice, I wen't T4 and can have M5 as well, if it only would come without these overpriced, no utility and no combat role ppsh cons wanabees.".
It's almost like I just said this, try reading all of my posts before you reply. And they use the shock troop PPsh.
They are like Ass grens; simply mediocre. Not terrible, not good. Could they use help? Yes, right now are they unusable? No. Get them to pad out your army and increase your capping power, don't spam them. |
At least he shows his so we know he plays.
Same can't be said about you.year.
This applies to you to. |
It's true that IS-2 and, 2x 85s usually beat a tiger. But Why shouldn't they? They are more expensive and are worse against inf than tiger. And ost has better options to support his tiger than soviets. Tiger supproted by Paks and schreks have advantage over IS-2/T34 85s supported by zis and ptrs. Jackson is dedicated tank destoryer and killing tanks is all it can do.
Tigers are good... IS2, 85s and jacksons are good too.
Just stepping in to point out the IS-2 is bad versus infantry meme isn't true, the Tiger and IS-2 have almost exactly the same accuracy and the IS-2 has higher AoE while fighting smaller squads.
Anyway here are the stats for the M4C:
Rear armor:
Max speed:
Cost time:
Cost manpower:
Cost fuel:
Scatter angle:
Scatter distance:
AoE radius:
AoE far:
AoE mid:
AoE near:
For only 10 more fuel your getting 20 more pen than a PIV, a second faster reload, far better accuracy on the move, better scatter, tiny bit better speed, and only 20 less armor.
It's bar none the best, most cost efficient Sherman in the game.