ATs will have an advantage over randoms, especially if the AT has voice chat. But i hope Relic can even out the playing field.
and the points you are bringing up is part of the reason why Axis are so much stronger in these modes. It is difficult to dislodge Elefants, King TIgers, and Jagdtigers, especially on cramped maps like Lanzerath
Which is why I said "maps, maps, maps", none of those units are OP in 1's and 2's because flanking them is possible and they can't cover everything. If the maps in 3's and 4's were bigger and had more VP's you needed to cover it would encourage more mobile play rather than everyone digging in a lobbing arty at each other.
Ever try and harangle a JT around the map? It sucks, it's the JT's biggest weakness which doesn't matter of course it just has to sit in one place forever and never move.