I recommend using a T-70 as a way of scaring off the overs. You may argue that it'll just get sniped by a Panther. This can be avoided by using the T-70 not as a front line tank, but as a flank harassment tank. When your opponent tries to cap a point on the edge of the map, this is when the T-70 works its magic. Even if it's a Volks squad with a shrek, proper micro can render it useless.
As for the rest of the strategy, I use AT guns, mgs, and mortars to establish a strong front and then I mine my flanks. An mg in the right building or in heavy cover is a great way to hold ground. My commander is the one with shocks and the IS-2. Great doctrine IMO. Use conscripts early game and use shocks for a strong late game presence. One thing I've found very useful is constantly lay down trip wire flares. Given that the OKW has such expensive infantry, this will inflict a substantial amount of manpower bleed. Basically what I do is wait for my opponent to make a mistake and then capitalize on this.
Here's my replay: http://www.coh2.org/replay/30242/fun-1v1-with-t34-crushes-and-vet-5-obers