It one sided and the out comes predetermined. That mean that in urban environment faction with breach will have a clear advantage.
Would you rather have a random element instead of a pre-determined outcome for the breach element as it was in the game that you have played? The feature, as it was in the SP, was meant to give the US faction a choice for finding solutions using an advantageous ability as an alternative to chucking grenades. There is an element of risk to the ability after all, and it is very similar to units flanking an MG that is not in a building.
The comments above are slightly harsh, but I understand the frustration. CoH2 is slowly heading towards its software end-of-lifecycle, and things are slowly breaking apart yet kept together in a playable state.
Nonetheless, I don't see anything wrong with game designers and developers celebrating and showcasing their newest projects.
From what I've seen (and played ) things are shaping up really well for CoH3. The core gameplay loops are clearly better and more fun especially that it feels more like CoH1 in both MP and SP. Also, the involvement of the community from Day1 onwards did shape things in the best way possible; you guys can't imagine how much things have changed for the better through internal decisions and discussions.
There has been significant advances towards improving the art style throughout all the internal and public builds and things are geared towards not only what the art team believes how things should look like but also towards what players expect things to look like. All is kept in fine balance whilst ensuring that CoH3 has its own distinct look and feel.
Speaking for the original 9 person council, it was all killer no filler dream team. A nice mix from the CoH2/1 community imo, great bunch.
We helped give advice that I feel represented the best hopes and dreams of the community at a vital stage (concept phase), and were for the most part listened to.
I do feel that from there it got a little bit bigger and possibly not as engaging from my own personal perspective at times, but I personally think to have a 70 person 'council' is the worst of both worlds. It's too big to be quality over quantity and engaging, but too small to get meta data that is authoritative.
So open pre-alpha is going to be a lot more useful for them I think.
Having joined the council later, it was great seeing all these big names already there. Having more people onboard also helped to get a few Coh3 things neatly and quickly organised!
Camera movement has also generated quite a bit of discussion. There are people (like me) who always used the keyboard controls to move the camera and never truly experienced the lag that people are talking about. Things have generally improved through the feedback, so I'm confident this will be addressed soon.