So the problem is that they said something would possibly be released within a time frame that haven't run out yet?
I just don't get this. We finally got a release date, they will be able to polish their game a bit more before release (which will probably be beneficial for us who expect to play the game online for a long while) and they are actively working on the game. If you get the beta 1 week later you'll get a 1 week more polished game.
This obsession with knowing stuff like this and getting it as soon as possible makes me feel old.
Now try to strain your thinking proccess and think like this.
Inital release date was in January. That was later put back to March. So even if Relic waas pushed to release COH2 not fully finished they had 3 extra months to polish it, get feedback etc. Dont blame moving over to Sega Relic for all this time claimed it was ready to go. A few week back release date was again announced (for the third time) for the 25th of June. In the meantime you have Lynx tweeting how sweet campaign is and that Beta release date will be announced in all different types of 'soons','shortlys'etc
Dont you find it at least a bit annoying? I paid for a game more than 4 months ago and Ithink I have a right to know when at least beta will be around so I could at least get a sniff of what i bought. If it makes you feel old than feel old as much as you like it