I never understood this AMD fanboy, Intel fanboy, Nvidea fanboy stuff. If i am searching for system components, i take whats best bang for the buck at that time, or not? I've had numerous systems containing AMD and Intel CPUs, as well as nvidia and ATI GPUs. I can't say any company has done me better than the other.
It has a lot to do with being young and strapped for cash when you built your first computer ( at least that was the case with me ) AMD came up with the Athlon XP line and became a savior for people who wanted high performance tweak-able PCs on a budget. Since almost everyone else around you is a fanboy of some kind and you (I) are too young (stupid) to know any better, its easy to form an attachment to what you have. Its the card you (I) were dealt (chose) so now you (I) might as well make the most of it, especially because you (I) want to look the better than everyone else for what you have.. bragging rights and all that stuff. After a while on computer cloud nine, young and stupid folk ( like I was ) will become zealously defensive of their chosen champion. The attachment is strong enough that many people will live in denial about it ( myself again ) for years after AMD started losing the war ( about the time intel released the core duo I believe ).
Eventually most people wake up to the truth.