General Information
Register Time: 21 Mar 2021, 10:03 AM
Last Visit Time: 25 Aug 2022, 15:04 PM
Steam: 76561198010665345
Birthday: 1996-11-25
Nationality: France
Timezone: UTC
Game Name: LadyRytsu
It's possible to put a spotter on the stuart ? I checked in the ABP and there is indeed the turret spotter and the binoculars. I added the spotter crew to the stuart with this settings :
then I created an upgrade to add a tank commander with this actions :
But that only open the hatch, the spotter does not appear.
Yes, you can find the skin name on Archive Viewer. For exemple, Assault Tommy skin name is "assault_summer", "assault_winter". In the Attribute Editor, you can change the skin on ui_ext.
Hi, I want to create an upgrade that adds one soldier to the team loadout, but I also want to reinforce one soldiers on the squad. But I don't find how to do the reinforce action.
I would also to know if it is possible to remove one soldier in the squad loadout?