Too hard to assign my vehicles to a control group, select the group when the recon plane comes in and move the group somewhere (anywhere) to avoid the Anti-Vehicle strafe. Game needs to cater to my lazy play style. If I can't stack at least 3 Katyushas without worry of a plane coming in and destroying them all in one pass because of my sloppy positioning then the commander is obviously OP. Pls nerf stuka. All forms. Thx. |
I was more interested in your nipples and all those sick gains you've been posting at the gym, brah.
Decision to go for a quick Puma pays off. |
l2p issues
easiest way to separate the players that need to learn how to play from the ones that can play. See how prepare and react to sov call-in spammers.
It is so easy to punish a sov player that waits for call-ins. If u cant find out how, I suggest u get better at the game before claiming that faction X is op.
A faction is only OP when u don't know to play around their weaknesses and ur faction's strengths.
P.S, vet 5 jp4 with its first strike shot will bring an IS2 down to 50% in one hit
*Looks at player card
Yup, this totally isn't another biased Queen shitpost.
Relic should only balance for 1v1.
Totally agree, peoples idea of balance when they only play team games are always exaggerated because they go up against multiple units of the same type. 1v1 should be the foundation balance is built upon, after 1v1 is balanced the rest of the gamemodes would follow. |
Great idea, and while were at it we can buff KTs Speed and acceleration so that it's the same as panthers.
I think I'd rather lose a round in which both my opponent and I participated in than win because my opponent was disqualified for taking 30 extra minutes between his previous match and the match we are supposed to play (Some people have to take 30 minute shits, show some compassion). I wonder how this would of went if Von had beat Jove in round 3... I bet this thread wouldn't exist.
Could the situation have been handled better? Sure. Did it warrant a whine post? Probably not. Should Romeo add a time frame for rounds? Maybe, but then there's always going to be unforeseen events within the time frame that could make players go over allotted time, so how would that be dealt with?
All I know is that right now, in the very important and time constrained life of VonIvan, he has found time to stream some CoH2.
Fuck the crusades already. |
When playing as OKW against Soviets;
Have you ever had 2 120mms shielded by maxims attack ground on your flak truck?
Have you ever had 1 120mm and 1 ZiS focus down your flak truck?
Have you ever had a squad of shocktroops toss a smoke between them and your flak truck, followed up by two penal satchels?
Have you ever had enemy mortars provide covering smoke on your flak truck, followed by a demo charge/and or AT fire?
Have you ever gone to set your flak truck up, be spotted by the enemy, and have a scout car with a squad of shock troops show up moments later and destroy it before it completes?
OP as fuck, isn't it?
When playing as OKW against USF;
Have you ever had mechanized doc arty one shot your flak truck?
Have you ever had paratroopers masked with riflenade smokes come and place timed demo on your flak truck?
Have you ever had an AT gun supported by a rifle blob bring your truck down to 3/4, and then have major drop his arty to finish it off?
Have you ever had a rifle bazooka blob supported by a Sherman (which initiates the truck first and tanks the hits) destroy your truck?
Have you ever played against Mechanized doctrine that scouts for your trucks with his/her shitty little jeep, and when he finds a truck setting up he/she literally bursts it down in seconds?
OP as fuck, isn't it?
As OKW, have you ever noticed;
You cannot control what the flak truck fires on
You are unable to "lock down" territory if your truck is set up in the only real smart place to put it: your base.
You are unable to win 95% of the time without ober and panther support?
The risk of losing your flak truck by "locking down" a territory far outweighs the benefit of "locking down" that territory?
OP as fuck, isn't it?
Honestly, I agree that the PanzerSchwerer HQ needs to be toned down by both damage and range, but this thing is very fragile, and only fills its roll with extreme efficiency against blobbers; a plus in my book(and probably many of yours, too). I also acknowledge that USF options of dealing with this are fewer than Soviets (any good soviet player should be wishing that his/her opponent deploys their flak truck on the field so that the soviet has all the opportunity it needs to take it down). USF options tend to be a little more expensive, as well. However, just because USF has fewer/more expensive options doesn't necessarily mean that the PanzerSchwerer HQ is OP against USF - let's not forget the extreme disadvantage OKW has early game to a good USF player. Sometimes the only saving grace an OKW player has against USF is a flak truck covering the fuel, which is still a high risk for OKW.
Anyone's inability to deal with this thing efficiently is only understandable if they haven't been playing for very long or are just flat out not very good; that's my opinion, anyways.
Yes, all of you can gawk at my ranks now. OKW fanboi accusations incoming. |
Homeboy here still loses to OKW wire on the reg, tho. GG Neo. Thanks for supporting the strim. |